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This is it. The final part. Thank you to all my readers who have supported me through this journey! I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope you guys enjoyed it too. Thanks again!



Your voice is like a song

You left so bitterly

Your love pulls me along

I know I won't break free

For love and loss are blinding

My actions leave me finding

Myself alone and winding

Down a path of misery

A huge, bright sun floated in a cloudless blue sky. A perfect, warm breeze blew softly through a forest of blooming willow trees. Link and I sat on a big, white blanket underneath a tree, picnic baskets scattered across the ground.

"I missed you, you know," Link told me. "When I left."

"I missed you too." I replied, remembering how sad I had been when he had left. I pushed the thought of Revali's lies out of my mind, wanting to think positively. "Have you tried the cream cheese sandwiches?"

I had baked an array of delicious foods for our picnic, and searched for the perfect spot. Eventually, I found this place, which was a beautiful, willow-filled forest. It was perfect.

"I have a couple of gifts for you," I told Link, reaching into a picnic basket.

"Gifts?" Link looked surprised. "I didn't know we were supposed to bring gifts!"

I shook my head. "It's okay," I assured him. "You didn't have to."

I handed him an envelope, with his name written on it in gold ink. I watched as he opened it, pulling out a piece of paper. He unfolded it, and read it aloud.

"Dear Link, Thank you for being with me, through my trials and celebrations, through my happy days and my sad, through my tears and laughter, and through my thunderstorms and sunshine. You're the only thing that makes me happy. Love, Mipha."

I smiled. I had spent hours picking the best words to use in the card. Link smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you."

"I love you too." We stopped hugging, and a knot of fear was tied in my stomach. I still had one more gift to give him.

I reached into the picnic basket and pulled out a flat, black box, handing it to him. I took a deep breath as he opened it, reaching into it and pulling the contents out.

"R-really?" Link looked to me, his eyes beaming with joy and hope.

I nodded happily, smiling from ear to ear.

In Link's hands was the Zora Armor, its blue cloth and painstakingly crafted metal plates beaming in the sunlight.

Link carefully placed the Zora Armor on the ground, tears filling his eyes. He threw his arms around me.

"I love you, Mipha," He told me.

My worries, my sadness, everything was washed away and replaced by pure, beaming love.

"I love you too."

Mipha : The Zora ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now