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Okay, so I am adding this only because some of the people who've read this story probably don't check my page. So, I am adding an author's note to tell you guys that THERE IS A SEQUEL TO I DIDN'T KNOW I'M A ROGUE!!!

It is called In His Nature, and it is about Dot, Tyler and Bo's daughter. Yep, that's right. Get excited.

Here is the description:

Eli has been running with the rogues since he was thirteen and exiled by his pack. With becoming a rogue, Eli has had to learn how to care for no one but himself, and to trust nobody. So when Eli is taken prisoner by a pack and offered the opportunity to join them, he declines in favor of the rogue lifestyle. However, when Eli discovers his mate is a part of that pack, specifically the Alpha's daughter, will he go against his nature and join them? There's also the issue of the large debt to a dangerous wolf hanging over his head.

Dot is bored. She's tired of watching her friends go off and find their mates. She's tired of being the Alpha's daughter. All Dot asks for is a little excitement. So, when a rogue is taken prisoner, she's more than ecstatic... That is, until she finds out he's her mate. Rogues are known for rejecting their mates, so will Eli do the same?

In His Nature is a work in progress, so if you guys liked this story, be sure to check it out!





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