Chapter 27: Drunk

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IT WAS FINALLY TIME for a goodbye between the Hidalgo family and their guests. The goodbye was supposed to be the simplest, but it was not, thanks to little Ares. Vera watched her son wearily, not really up to handling his tantrums at the moment.

Ares clung to Jude's back, his little arms locked tightly around the older man's neck, tears streaming down his chubby cheeks. His small body shook with sobs, and every time Jude tried to pry him off gently, Ares just held on tighter. Jude, rocking him softly, murmured, "Come on, little man. It's okay. I'll be back soon, I promise."

But Ares was inconsolable, his grip unyielding. "Nooo!" he wailed, burying his face into Jude's shoulder.

Eloise finally intervened, her voice soothing as she approached. "Ares, sweetie," she began, reaching out to stroke his back. "Jude has to go, but he’ll come back to visit you. Remember, he promised."

Ares sniffled, lifting his tear-streaked face just enough to look at her. "Promise?"

Jude nodded, smiling softly despite the lump in his throat. "I promise, buddy. We'll talk every day, just like we said."

The little boy hesitated, his tiny heart breaking at the thought of letting go, but slowly, he released his grip, sliding into Eloise’s waiting arms. She cradled him, kissing his cheek as he finally let out a small, hiccupping breath. Jude leaned in, planting a tender kiss on the other cheek, whispering, "You be good, okay? I'll see you soon."

As Vera came to take Ares, the boy waved a small hand at Jude. "Bye, Jude."

"Bye, little man," Jude replied, his heart heavy as he watched Vera carry Ares away, the little boy’s tears finally subsiding.

In another corner of the mansion, away from prying eyes, Jobe and Elisa stood facing each other. Elisa kept a bit of distance between them, her arms crossed, her eyes downcast. She wasn’t going to the airport to see them off; she had decided to drive straight back to her apartment.

"This vacation... it’s been the most intimate time we've ever spent together," Elisa said, her voice wavering. She finally looked up at Jobe, her blue eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I don't want it to end. I hate that you’re leaving."

Jobe stepped closer, reaching out to take her hands in his. "I know, Lissy. I hate it too. But I promise you, I’ll come back as often as I can. Barcelona isn’t far, and I’ll make it work. We’ll make it work."

Elisa shook her head, a tear escaping and trailing down her cheek. "But it’s so hard, Jobe. I crave being with you all the time, and when you're not here... it’s like there’s a piece of me missing. I don’t want to do this long-distance thing anymore. I’m so tired of it."

Jobe’s heart ached at her words. He pulled her into a tight embrace, resting his chin on the top of her head. "I know, love. I know. But I’m not going anywhere, okay? We’ve made it this far, and I’m not letting go. I’ll visit as often as I can, and maybe, who knows, you’ll visit me too."

Elisa buried her face in his chest, clinging to him like he was her lifeline. "I just wish things were different. I wish we could be together all the time."

Jobe kissed the top of her head. "Maybe one day they will be. And until then, we’ll just have to hold on to each other, even if it’s from a distance. We’ve got this, Elisa. We’re stronger than the distance."

Elisa pulled back slightly to look up at him, her eyes searching his. "Promise me you’ll come back soon," she whispered.

"I promise," Jobe replied, leaning down to kiss her gently, as if sealing that promise with their lips.

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