Chapter 16

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A/N Hi guys! Okay so school is way more intense than I thought it would be and I literally have no time to write during the week. I was up until 11:15 doing homework on the SECOND DAY. Foolishness. Anywaays, bare with me with the updating. Just know that I really love writing and I'm not putting it off on purpose. ANYWAAYS, I guess I'll start now. Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to @Nattie1D because I love her and miss her sooo much. Go read her story and fan her! WHEEEE. Okie dokiee, here I go!

Stella's POV

"Oh, hi Michelle, how are you?" I said into my phone, moving towards the edge of the roof and looking at the city, praying that she had good news. I heard footsteps following me and felt Harry's strong arms wrap around me from behind.

"I'm fine, how are you?" she replies. 

"Great, thanks," I say nervously.

"So, anyways, I was just calling to let you know about your audition," she says. I grab Harry's hand and squeeze it.

"We really enjoyed your audition," she tells me. I smile a bit in relief, but I didn't relax at all.

"Unfortunately," she starts, and I feel Harry tense up, "There were lots of amazing girls, most of which had much more experience than you. I'm sorry, you don't have a callback." I swear my heart stopped for a second. I didn't expect to get the part, but I just realized how badly I really wanted it. Something inside me was still hoping that she would tell me that it was all a joke and I actually did have one, but no such luck. Harry pulls me closer and slowly rubs my arm with his thumb.

"Oh. Uh, okay. Well thanks so much for the opportunity,"  I reply, hoping I wouldn't lose it on the phone, or even in front of Harry.

"You're really are talented, Stella. Donit ever give up," Michelle tells me. 

"Thank you so much," I say and swallow the lump in my throat.

"Have a nice night," she says.

"Thanks, you too," I reply, and hang up. As soon as I've hit the end button, Harry spins me around so I'm facing him and pulls me against his chest, hugging me tightly but comfortably. A small tear falls from my eye and onto his shirt.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers in my ear, wiping another tear from my cheek.

"It's okay, really. I'll try again someday for a different part. I mean, I really wanted this one, but I'm gonna be okay," I reply, trying to be strong, "And anyways, this was an amazing night. I don't want to ruin it with this." He looks down at me in disbelief.

"Are you sure?" he asks.


"If it helps, I thought you were absolutely perfect," he tells me sweetly, making me blush.

"Thank you. At least someone thinks so," I reply, "But really, where were we before this?"

"Well, I believe you were like this," he says, picking me up and raising my face about a foot above his head, "And I was about to do this," he tells me, and lowers me down so my lips meet his. Our lips move passionately in sync for a few minutes. The feeling of his lips on mine was indescribable, and I never wanted it to end. FInally, we pulled away slowly from eachother. He grins at me.

"Well that made me feel better," I think outloud. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me as close as I can get to him.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" he asks me. I smile.

"Maybe once or twice," I reply, snuggling closer to him, as I was really cold. He must feel the goosebumps on me, because he asks, "Do you want to go inside? You're freezing."

"Yes please," I reply enthusiastically. We walk hand in hand back to the table so I can grab my clutch, and then back to our room. I yawn and go to the bathroom to change in to my pajamas. I was wearing a pair of blue boxers and a tie die t-shirt. I walked back out into the room, where Harry is laying on the bed in only a pair of sweatpants. I stare at his abs in shock...I had never actually seen them in person before. They were amazing. I quickly turned away so I wouldn't get caught and joined him in bed, snuggling up to him.

"Hey there," he says to me with a wink.

"Hi Harry," I reply with a giggle. He sighs. 

"What is it?" I ask him in confusion.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asks me.

"Sure, ask anything," I reply.

"Don't get mad or anything," he says, and I nod.

"I was wondering if you wanted know...?" he asks me, awkwardly looking down. I bite my lip.

"Harry, you know I love you, but I'm not ready yet. But I promise, soon," I reply. I hope he didn't hate me for my answer...that's how it ended with Chad. I've just always been a little scared of the whole thing. Harry smiles at me.

"Of course...whenever you want, I'll be here," he says cheekily. I laugh and snuggle into him closer.

"So, since my plans for the night are ruined, what do you want to do?" he asks. I think for a moment.

"Well...I've always wanted to trash a hotel room," I say. I figured that now would be a good time, considering Harry couldn't get in much trouble since he was famous and all. His eyes light up at the idea. 

"Let's do it," he says with a smile. We start by taking out all of the objects in the drawers and in our bags out and throwing everything on the ground. Then, we drink everything in the mini fridge and throw the empty bottles on the floor. I ripped off the shower curtian and Harry ripped the sheets off of the bed, and we both threw the things in our hands on the floor. Next came the pillows, thrown randomly all over the place. And finally, we took the toilet paper and wrapped it around the room. We laughed the whole time and had a blast. When we're done, we plop down on the floor, onto our sheets and pillows.

"Well that was fun," he says, grinning.

"Yeah it was!" I reply enthusiastically, making us both chuckle. 

"Harry?" I ask.

"Yes love?" he responds.

"We don't have to go to sleep yet, right?" 

"Of course not! What do you want to do?" he asks me.

"Talk," I reply instantly. I love talking to him so much. We had the best conversations, and we never ran out of things to say.

"About what?" he asks.

"Everything," I say with a smile, pecking his lips lightly. 

"Sounds good to me," he says, grinning back at me. And we talked. About everything. And it was wonderful. Before we knew it, it was 2:45 am.

"We should probably get to bed," I say, "Doesn't the flight leave at noon tomorrow?" He nods.

"Yeah, it does, and sleep is probably a good idea." We say our goodnights and start to drift off, still on the floor in out little mess of pillows and blankets. Just before I lose conciousness, I say, "Harry?"

"Yes beautiful?" he replies tiredly.

"I love you," I tell him, feeling the need to say him one more time. 

"I love you too, Stella," he tells me, pulling me close to him. I got comfortable and fell asleep in his arms with a smile on my face.

Oh my gosh I don't like this one at was sooo boring! Next time will be more exciting.

And don't worry, I have a plan for Stella, so don't hate me because she didn't get the part.

Oh! And follow me on Tumblr maybe?

And pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee, 

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Love you guys! <3

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