First assignment

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This is the fifth month after living in the kingdom of vampires. The girl wakes up from her slumber. Another ordinary day for her to get up and work but it's not so ordinary now with the mysterious boy in her life. She can still remember their conversation from yesterday when the boy asked her about what the blue flowers name is even though she already told him it's Bluestar for the third time in a week which made her wonder if he has Alzheimer's. She chuckles a bit as she picks up her uniform from her closet. She can't wait to meet her first-ever friend again so she hurriedly preparing herself like what she always does and get ready to clean the second floor until the sound of a knocking door interrupted her thoughts.

She walks over to the door in the hope that she won't get into any trouble. What appears before Ruka is the head maid. She only saw her several times and they barely talk to each other but she remembered her. "His majesty demands for your presence, Miss Sumiruka" her heart dropped to the ground. I got called by the head of the house. Did I do something wrong? or did I have some important works to do? Ruka walked silently upstairs following the head maid to the third floor slowly and composed. The head maid knocked on the door as they wait for the answer from the other side. "Come in" a calm silence voice called out only enough for them to hear from inside the room.

They enter the room as they confronted with a handsome middle-aged man with completely black hair and blood-red eyes. "I brought her, your majesty," She said while bowing down. "Good job, you have dismissed" The head maid exits, leaving only the girl and her master behind. They stayed quiet for a while and none of them dare to break the silence. "What business do you have to call me here, master?" the girl asked. He stares at her for a while. 'The stare is killing me'. "I called you here since I want to introduce you to someone." A bit startled by his voice, she looked up with a questioning expression. 

The man did not wait for a single second. His hand extended to the other side of the room. Because of the nervousness and this moment is the first time Ruka ever has a chance to enter this room. She never really pay much attention to her surroundings and the details of the room. However, on the right side, you could see around 2 bookshelves beside the master working table. On the table has very little decoration to none and alls up there is an enormous amount of document with a single stamp seal on it. The right side which master points his arm to has two sets of curtains on them which covers more than half of the wall. "Come here" A boy with almost white-blond hair with a slightly orange color seen at the tip of each strand comes out from the behind of the second curtain. He smiles dazzlingly at her. His eyes are blood red just like the master. "This boy is my son"That sentence break almost all of her questions in her mind but still can't clear all of them out. "Your first assignment from me is to be his playmate from now on." Her heart skips a beat, she did not expect to be assigned her first task as something like this. Master never really gives her a direct task ever since her arrival, she only did as told by the other maid so expect it to be something more important or something related to his majesty himself but she never expects it to be something about the prince which she assumes to be the second prince. So the boy she saw in the garden is the prince of this kingdom. "You are hereby dismissed" He only said that and returned to his desk. "We met again!" The boy said with a smile on his face, Ruka only smiles back then both of them exit but before she could leave completely. Ruka saw a grin at the end of his majesty lips, 'Am I imagining it?'

They did not take that long to once again reach the garden. "What's your schedule for today? Ruka" the boy asked. "The first thing I would do in the morning would be clean the entire second floor and then help the other maids with their other duty since I'm still a child, they did not assign me for any other hard task. Then I take care of the entire garden independently from north to south then from west to east. I ended my day at 9 PM then go to the kitchen to cook for myself and go to bed, Master." She bows down while answering without knowing that the prince had just turned stiff as a rock in shock. Because of his silence, she took a peek at him a little then back to bowing again. "Ahem...well It seems that I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Raymond Le Conderia Vampiric, the second prince of the Vampiric kingdom" making a posture using both of his hands while talking. His speeches are also something you would not expect a child to say come spouting out of his mouth. "I'm sorry for not saying this for the first time we met but I kinda want my own free time without getting bothered by my tutor or servants. I've also never seen your face around here before so I was kinda interested." He said while smiling. "Let's be friends!" putting out his hand. She looks down a bit confused but reaches out her hand anyway. They did not talk any further since the prince just decided to disappear after that so Ruka went back to her same routine.

She cleaned the second floor, went to help with the other maid. Those maids never talk to her nor did they look at her, they did look at her on the first couple of days though but in a weird way which Ruka can't describe. She did not feel that not talking to her is weird since she came from an enemy faction but to look at her but not torment her with words is weird. She went back to the garden then take care of all plants again with her same routine. She never makes a mistake during her work and that's a good thing because she will not get punished for making a mistake. The day ended with her dinner and her going back to sleep. Other than her assigned playmate mission, mothing change much. The next day is an exception, however. Everyone was staring at her intensely like she did something wrong. It overwhelms her since she's just a kid and her height makes her much smaller than most people there. The pressure is intense. The maid that guided her and assigned her task to take care of the second floor also glare at her hard, REAL hard like she just murdered her whole family. She's very confused and scared, did she do something wrong? or did she do something to make them mad? Clueless as she is, She decided to ignore all of them even it's hard to and continues to work like nothing happen. But then, the head maid appeared in front of her and tells her that she will have a new schedule. She's clueless, The head maid told her that she will now have to only take care of the garden so she could take more time to care for the plants. She finds it pretty suspicious but quickly let it go as to not question much about the order from his majesty. She spends her time inside the garden until 9 PM, she was so focused that she did not notice the tiny little red eyes staring at her from the third floor ever since the first time she arrives at the garden and they continue to stare at her more and more.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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