" can I come in" Rachel asked.

" no" he said.

" then no you cant have your coffee" she said.

"What" he asked.

" I got you a coffee so we could talk no talk no coffee your choice" she said waving his coffee. It worked he opened the door and Rachel wa,led inside.

" no just her" sebastian said as the warblers had all moved forward. He shut the door Rachel handed him his coffee he looked dreadful. Pale but his eyes were red from crying he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

" so you said you wanted to talk" he said after taking a big dip of his coffee.

" I wanted to see how you are" she said.

" why it's not like you care" he said Rachel sighed.

" I'm here I wouldn't be if I didn't care" Rachel said.

" why would you care nobody else does" he said Rachel knew he was talking about his parents.

" you have done some bad things sebastian but it does not mean I wish you ill" Rachel said.

" bet the new directions ahead a good laugh when they heard" he said.

" I didnt" she said.

" look Rachel I'm grateful for the coffee but I still don't understand why you came here" sebastian said.

" I came here because I care that you felt nobody cares about you" she said.

" my parents dont" he said his voice breaking as he spoke.

" my birth mom came into my life two years ago telling me she wanted us to have a relationship but then she adopted Quinn's daughter and left I haven't seen or heard from her since. I'm not saying it's the same thing but I can relate to feeling rejected by a parent" Rachel said.

" I'm just so tired of thinking things" sebastian said.

" your not sleeping are you" she asked he shook his head.

" why don't you try to sleep" she said.

" because when I lay in bed trying I feel more alone than ever" he said.

" i will stay while you sleep" she said.

" why" he asked surprised.

" I told you I care about you " she said she watched as sebastian burst into tears she instinctively went to him and held him he sobbed on her shoulder for a long time.

After he stopped sobbing he laid on his bed Rachel sat with his head on her lap gently stroking his hair as he fell asleep.

A few hours later he woke up and looked up at her she had stayed there the whole time he had been asleep.

" feel better for that" she asked he nodded.

" how long was I asleep " he asked.

" just over three hours" she said his head was still resting on her lap.

" you stayed" he said looking up at her.

" I promised you I would " she said and he gave her a small smile.

" thank you " he said.

" no need to thank me" Rachel said.

" yeah there is you made me feel like I'm not alone" he said.

" your not... you do know all the warblers are worried about you I over heard Thad and trent talking about you. Plus when I got here they were all stood outside your door" Rachel said.

" so they don't hate me because I hurt Blaine he is their friend" sebastian asked.

" your forgetting that your their friend too they are worried about you" Rachel said.

" I have made such a mess of things" he said sitting up.

" then start a fresh chapter of your life sebastian...yes you made mistakes but your sixteen you cant let those mistakes define the rest of your life" she said.

" do you have any idea how much your coming here as helped me" he said looking at her.

" good I'm glad it has" she said.

" Rachel..." he started to say but stopped.

" what" she said.

" nothing" he said.

" you can ask me anything" she said.

" in a couple of days when I'm in better shape than I am now could I maybe take you out to dinner" he asked.

" yeah " she said.

" you would go with me" he asked.

" yeah" she said and he beamed at her.

" even after everything..." he started to say.

" your starting a new chapter remember the page has been turned over it's all in the past" she said and was surprised by him kissing her.

" I always knew you were amazing but you have surpassed that" he said as they broke the kiss.

" it bad for a public school girl" she said and he chuckled.

" rachel" he asked suddenly.

" yeah" she said.

" will you stay tonight I feel calmer with you here"he asked.

" ofcourse " she said and they kissed again.

That night they laid in his bed cuddled up it was all innocent they just kissed and cuddled but what Rachel realised that night sebastian wasnt the only one to sleep better that night. It was weird but it was like she had discovered something she hadn't even realised was missing.

She knew some people would think her crazy to date him but they would have to accept it eventually because its Rachel's choice.

The end

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