The North's Mountain

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Joyous in the world, Joyful as a whole. Joy I hope.



Aar was cold and unneededly wet. As she exhaled, puffy white smoke accompanied her breathe and disappeared against the force of cotton droplets falling from upset clouds. She stood on the bottom part of a diagonal hill, her feet submerged within a thick layer of snow as high as her bare ankles, with three hundred others in Metan -  the capital city of Osera and homeland of the crowned family. All present to witness Ade's last ritual... to Sateur's Kingdom on the ascended mountains of the endless north.

All of what Aar knew of Sateur's mythical mountain was what she had gathered from her countless walks to the walls of Eeya and various folklore and songs from time. It was told that the mountain soared well above the clouds - defying any notions of gravity - and held on women - " the Keepers" they called them. These Keepers protected the secrets the mountain held, secrets that include a devil dragon - a soul bearer from the time of the first tribe named "Satur" - the Dragon King. No one besides the Ba Olori's had seen the mountain but their recollection were all similar and detailed on Eeya.

Once when she was child, after one of their many lessons disguised as night time stories on the history of O're,  Aar had asked her mother how the Olori's knew where to go when they got to the north. Her mother had simply responded with the fact that ...they didn't, no one did. They flew blindly to the very top of the clouds north of the forbidden sea and the mountain was always there, waiting for them.

But Aar was terrified for her prince. Unlike the other rituals - which Ade went through as easily as a lion in heat hunting for prey -  his heart will be tested. Sateur will pry into his soul and deem him worthy enough to wear the Gau crown... the exact wooden fixture that was given to Ade's ancestor - Du, after she defeated her adversaries. But If the result was not in his favor, if Sateur saw Ade to be unworthy... or of a darker soul, the Dragon King was to command Okar with divine authority to burn Ade alive.

It wasn't that Aar thought that Ade's soul was tainted, she couldnt just help the thought that it was. But as she looked over her shoulders to find him standing at the very bottom of the hill behind his eager people - looking glorious and powerful, with his Aje prominent on his bare chest, she was sure Sateur would have to be mad to deny him his birthright.

At the thought, a horn sounded into the air. "Ba!" A courier cried with it, from the top of the hill.

A slight shuffle, as knees bent and heads bowed and a path created. Everyone in attendance prostrated as the presence of their future King emerged from the back of the crowd. Silence reigned as Ade  moved forward along the path - with bold and fearless steps.

And when Ade reached the top of the hill and centered himself in their mist - gazes were raised and plastered with wonder, as they took in the beauty that stood in front of them.

Ade raised his hand and the mass of people stood slowly.

As if the gods had blessed his journey, the sun came out from behind the gray settling clouds and shined on Ade. His bright silver eyes dazzling under the winter sun.

Some women beside Aar swooned and she couldnt blame them. Ade presence could inspire an entire army.

"Yo ta si araga owo oke!" Summon your dragon!

The courier, who stood next to his prince said in an old language and Ade did, uttering the blessed curse.

Amidst the large crowd, a larger animal emerge

The Blessed Curse : A King IndeedWhere stories live. Discover now