Chapter 5 - A New Start

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V 

Yuki took a breath of relief " You really did scare me for a moment...". Naruki grunts "If you really just came for the cupcakes, I would be super pissed." Moniko blushes " Then that makes it's official!." He pulls out a hand " Welcome to the Literature club!." You shook his hand " Um...thanks I guess." Everyone grabs their stuff and Moniko said " Remember your assignment everyone! Write a poem tonight." Satori grabs your arm " Come on Y/N! Time to go home." You blush as he pulls you out the door. The last thing that you saw was Moniko waving goodbye to you.

* Time Skip 

You were walking down the street, Satori blushes " This is the best day ever!. Now I have fun tons of fun with Y/N." You sigh " Don't raise your hopes too high. They might hurt you more than the pain." You came to a crossing road, You pull out your phone and check your emails. As you both walk across the road, Satori stop for an unknown reason. You didn't notice but, you look besides you to see Satori missing. You look behind to see Satori standing in the middle of the road. A red truck was about to run over him, you ran towards him and pull Satori out of the way. The huge truck zips past, making a loud honking sound. Satori falls on top of you and you blush " Are you crazy?!?." He gets off " Sorry Y/N! I wasn't paying attention." You both stand up and you complain "Satori you could've been kill! Why were you standing there?." Satori lied " I thought I saw a squirrel." You roll your eyes and cross your arms " Really that's your excuse?." He shook his head and you pull him by the hand " From now on, you are not leaving my side."

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