Hayes Grier and Jack Gilinsky

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"I don't fucking get it." I groaned walking out of my last class, geometry. I was with my best friend Shawn.

"Neither do I bro." He said. We walked down to my locker.

"Wait I don't need anything. Dammit." I laughed and we started towards the café in our school. We walk in and I headed for my usual table while Shawn went and got us ice cream twix bars.

"Hey babe." A deep voice said while arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around to see my boyfriend. I put my bag on a chair and hugged him.

"Hi." I whispered. He ran his hand up and down my back, his other hand running through my hair. He always did this when I was upset.

"What's wrong baby boy?" He asked. I looked up at him. I came up to his chin so it was perfect.

"I don't understand a thing we're doing in geometry and we have a test tomorrow. I'm gonna fail." I said, tears welling up. Now usually I don't get so worked up over school. But it was closing in on the end of the year and I wanted to pass with halfway decent grades. Even though I was almost failing all my classes.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. Why don't I help you study tonight? Would that make you feel a little bit better?" He asked. I nodded. He tilted my chin up and kissed me softly. We heard some girls "awing" and pulled away chuckling. We had been dating for a year and everyone at school still hadn't gotten used to us yet. All the girls thought we were the cutest thing ever and all the guys supported us.

"Hey here's your twix slut." Shawn said tossing me the bar.

"Thanks skank." I replied. "Ooh extra points for rhyming." I added laughing. I sat down and Jack sat on my side of the booth and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his head on my back.

"You tired babe?" I asked. He nodded. I finished my twix and went to go throw it away.

"No don't leave. You're warm." Jack whined. I turned around in his grip and kissed him, making his hold loosen.

"Aye Gilinsky, get some!" Dillon, one of the basketball players on the team with Jack, yelled. I pulled away blushing and then went and threw away the wrapper. I went back and sat on Jack again. When we had started dating it was weird. Everyone was more weirded out by the fact that Jack had been a Junior and I a Freshman at the time. Everyone was very accepting at our school.

"You know we could leave now, right?" Jack asked slightly loud as there was a lot of students in the café.

"We could... But then we'd be leaving Shawn alone and I'm not doing that." I said. He just smiled and kissed my nose.

"I love how you love your friends so much." He sighed happily. I blushed. We sat there talking to Shawn and Matt who joined us a little later with his girlfriend Mahogany.

"I'm so alone. I hate you all." Shawn jokingly pouted. Although me being his best friend, I could he was truly jealous of us at least a little.

"Aw is little Shawny jealous?" Matt cooed. We all laughed.

"No but seriously. We should find Shawn a boyfriend." I said. I smiled even wider.

"No Hayes. Don't you dare tell them." He said once he saw my smile.

"We should try and set him up with-" I cut myself off as Shawn stood up. I waited for him to sit back down. "Carter Reynolds." I said quickly and hugged Jack to protect myself. He just laughed and pushed me off.

"Sorry babe but you deserve this." He pushed out of the seat. I ran around to the opposite side so I was facing Shawn across the table.

"Please don't hurt me. I'm only helping you! I swear." I pleaded. He chased me in some tight circles for a little bit before I sat down, tired and defeated, next to Jack.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry." I said in between breaths. Jack wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"No. Too hot. Tired." I gently pushed his arm off. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. I was breathing hard.

"Damn you are out of shape. I saw you run like once around this table." Nash laughed walked up to the table. I flipped him off. "So you coming home with me or is Gilinsky driving you?" He asked.

"I'm going with Jack." I told him. He nodded.

"See you at home." He called, walking away. We sat around talking a little more until Matt and Mahogany had to leave.

"Bye guys. See you tomorrow." Mahogany waved and they left.

"They are an adorable couple." I commented. We waited until Shawn's mom was here then we all walked out together.

"Bye Hayes, good luck with studying. No sex until after he understands it!" He called, the last part directed to Jack. I flipped him off. Jack and I walked with our fingers intertwined to his car. The drive to my house was a comfortable silence.We got out and walked in. No one was home. Figures.

"Okay go to your room and put your stuff down. I'll make us smoothies." Jack said kissing my cheek. I went up to my room and put my bag down. I got out the MacBook Air every student got this year and plugged it in. I grabbed my folder and pulled out every worksheet and notes sheet that would pertain to this god forsaken test tomorrow. I sat on twitter waiting for Jack.

"Here you are my beautiful prince." Jack said in a, very good, british accent. He handed me my smoothie and I took a drink. This is why I love him, it was perfect.

"Okay so geometry." He said and I groaned. I was sat on my bed, resting against the headboard, papers spread across the bed in front of me. He was right next to me; also leaning against the headboard. He wrapped his arm around my waist, rubbing small circles with his thumb on my hip.

"You're fine. I'll help you through it all." He whispered against my temple then kissed it. I smiled. "So which part do you absolutely not understand?" He asked.

"All of it..." I said sheepishly. He chuckled. We set our drinks down and got to business. Jack would rub my back if I got extra upset. Every time I'd start to understand things he'd kiss me.

"Jack I just don't understand. Why do we need to know this? Why is this so important? It's too confusing and when in the fucking hell will I ever have to graph a congruent angle in my life?" I complained.

"Sorry to be a know-it-all but you don't graph congruent angles. I-" I cut him off.

"I don't care. I really don't. I don't care about any of this so why do I need to know it?" I whined. Jack pulled me onto his lap. He rocked back and forth and kissed my head.

"You just do. Hayes, I know it seems stupid-" I interrupted him.

"It doesn't SEEM stupid. It IS stupid."

"Fine. It may be stupid but if you want to pass this year you have to know it. So come on. You have one more worksheet left and then you're done. You can do this." He soothed. I sighed and slid off his lap. I had already finished my smoothie and I was getting hungry. I checked the time. It was 7:36 at night. We finished the worksheet and I was drained.

"I'm tired. I feel like I just ran a marathon." I whined. Jack laughed.

"You didn't even move anything besides your hand." He picked my hand up and started rubbing circles on the palm.

"Exactly." I said in a "duh" tone. He leaned over and kissed me. I smiled. I put all of my stuff away and Jack I were cuddling on my bed.

"I'm so tired." I said sleepily. My body was in between his legs, my head on his stomach, his left arm under mine with our hands intertwined, his right running through my hair.

"I'm proud of you. You got it all done. You got this Hayes. You'll pass that test. I believe in you." Jack told me. I smiled.

I passed the test.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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