• s e v e n t e e n •

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Waking up is like rising out of the tomb I have been buried in for centuries.

I stretch and feel all my muscles scream as they tighten. Everyone is already heading out to breakfast and I stay in the cabin and gather my clothes to go wash up in the bathrooms. When I finish scrubbing last nights adventure off of my body I head up to the art room knowing I will get there right before breakfast ends.

In the room I set out the acrylic paint and watercolor paper for today's abstract scenery lesson.

Slowly the kids trudge in and the counselors come laggardly behind. Everyone is tired of camp but also doesn't want to leave in six days.

I see Greyson looking sleep deprived but still beautiful. I catch her eye and she smiles tiredly.

The rest of the day goes by in a tired haze.

I find Jason in the dining hall at dinner after coming from the bathroom. "I am a hell of a friend." He says as I sit down. I smile and nod and then look at him with a questioning glance.

"Why do I say that? Because I felt you should know."

I write, "of course I know. I mean first you saved my butt last night and you just interpreted my face expression to what I wanted to say. Almost no one can do that."

He smiles widely and takes a huge bite of the chicken that was served. "Tonight is another camp wide game." He says making sure the kids couldn't over hear. I nod and smile.

Once everyone finished eating two people dressed as dogs barge in barking and dragging two counselors behind them.

"We are experienced Big Foot hunters." One of them announces.

"We have trained our dogs to track him and we have sniffed him up to this camp. Do you guys think you could help us find him?!" The other one exclaims.

Everyone cheers "yeah!"

"We meet at eight on the tennis courts for the hunt." They say as the "dogs" begin to drag them out the door.

This camp is so creative with the plots behind these games.

We all head back to cabin and put on bug spray and sweatshirts for the game. We make sure we have all the kids and head down to the tennis courts as the other cabins do the same.

Now we wait for instructions.


I know you are gonna hate me because this update sucks. It's a filler type thing because I have some writers block and school is starting to pack my schedule. Sorry babes!

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