Chapter Eleven: Teases

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I wake up and roll over to expect Cameron's warm embrace but instead I'm invited to an empty cold area where he once was sleeping. I'm slightly confused, the whole room is empty. I don't want to get up but I have to. A little blue sticky note is stuck on my phone screen on the night stand.

went to the event, didn't want to wake you. call me when you read this,

xoxo love, cam

I call his number and he answers.

"Goodmorning baby." He sounds really energized and happy.

"Goodmorni-" I am cut off because I can hear Nash in the back ground yelling 'Cameron sucks dick!' And I start laughing.

"How's the event going?" I end up asking him after we laugh.

"People are just entering the doors, it's packed already. You just looked so comfy this morning and it was early. So I just gave ya a kiss and left." He explained, and I could hear fans roaring in the back.

"Your car is still in the lot?" I asked wondering how he got there.

"Rode with Bryant in his rental."

"Hey text me directions to the venue and I'll head over later." I tell him because I wanna see all the fans.

"Ok. Talk to you later. Love you. Drive safe please." He cares so much about me.

"Love you too. I will."

I hang up the phone and jump in the shower Cam texted me the directions and added 'please don't scratch my car' which made me laugh. I wore an all black fitted crop top matched with a high waisted floral skirt , along with classic black vans. Letting my hair fall in beachy waves and did my eyeliner well. Grabbing Cameron's keys off the hotel counter and walking down to the parking lot. I start Cameron's car and see he left his wallet on the dashboard. I open it just, being curious. I see his license, money, and a picture folded up because it's long. I unroll it and see it's of him and I. Some pictures we took in a photo booth. It has a date written sloppily on the back with a little heart and I smile because it's the cutest thing and it warms my heart up. I decided since I kept his little sticky note in my bag, I wrote him one and stuck it in his wallet.

Hazel was here June of 2014 and she loves you very much.

I toss his wallet to the side and start the engine, pulling out and into the traffic of the city. Following Cameron's directions for fifteen minutes and I'm lead to this huge venue where there is still girls outside.

I go around the other side of the building and Hayes goes back and opens the door for me before I'm chased by girls. I'm backstage and I can't hear much but yelling and stuff.

"Hold on where did Hayes go?" I hear Carter's voice in the microphone.

"C'mon." Hayes drags me on to the stage and I soon girls are erupting in screams. Cameron looks to me when I enter and his smile lights up, I love it. He still has the mic in his hand but he hugs me tightly and everyone goes AWE but then laughs because Nash is making throw up faces.

"Uh, you guys know, my girl Hazel. I invited her if that's all good." He seems nervous but the fans are cheering for us sweetly.

For the next hour were doing stuff, answering questions, doing acts. And then the meet and greet begins. They have a table set up and a picture area for pictures and autographs. Most of the time I'm taking pictures for girls so they have a great pic with the guys. But I was shocked when this really sweet girl came up to me.

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