The Rap Line and Kim Seokjin

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On his first day at Bangtan High, Kim Seokjin has attracted both guys and girls. I mean, who wouldn't be attracted to this gorgeous creature who suddenly walked into their school? Three boys in particular have already fallen for Seokjin.
Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, and Kim Namjoon. They've been friends since the beginning of time. Once they see Seokjn walk through the doors of their school, their hearts skip a beat. They've never seen anyone so beautiful. Yoongi didn't even know he was gay until he locked eyes with Seokjin.
All three boys have fallen hard for him. If they could just speak to him they would be satisfied. They see he's being asked to sign something. He looks around for a pen and soon seems like he's remembered something. He holds his hand out and a pen suddenly starts to come out of it.
The three boys watch in amazement as they realize this may be the boys quirk. They freeze when they see the boy look their way.
He blushes and looks away, walking to his class. The three boys are at a loss for words as they feel their hearts beat faster each time they replay the scene in their heads.
I want him.
I have to have him.
They all think.
"Yoongi-hyung.." Namjoon says. "Y-yeah Joon?" Yoongi replies. "I..I think I'm in love." Namjoon says.
"Me too Joon. Me too."

The three boys walk off to their classroom. They are in class 3-A. The class for the more powerful third year students.
Their hearts stop when they see the beauty from before.
Yoongi decides to walk over to him.
"Hi, I'm Min Yoongi." Yoongi says to the boy
"Hello! I'm Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin." Seokjin says, giving Yoongi a smile that could cure any illness.
"You're the new kid right?" Yoongi asks
"Yes, I just moved here from Busan. My parents thought it would be best if I went to a school that accepted people like me. People with quirks." Seokjin says.
"If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk?" Yoongi asks.
"It's creation. I can create anything as long as I know how it's made. Anything I make comes from anywhere on my body. Look." Seokjin says.
Seokjin holds out his arm and rolls up the sleeves on his uniform. A spot on his arm begins to glow purple and a long weapon like pole starts to come out. Jin wraps his hand around part of it and pulls out the rest.
Yoongi watches in awe. "That's so cool. Is there a limit to how many things you can create?" Yoongi asks.
"Not that I know of. I can create multiple things at once too. I'll have to show you sometime." Jin says
"That sounds amazing to me. you have a phone?" Yoongi asks.
Jin chuckles and says, "Yes I do. Would you like my number Yoonie?"
Yoongi smiles at the nickname he's been given. "Yes, I would like your number."

Class goes on and Yoongi can feel Hoseok and Namjoon glaring daggers at him from across the room.
Their teacher has already introduced Jin to the class and had him demonstrate his quirk. The students learn that he has a very powerful quirk.
Every student thought to themselves;
Note to self: don't piss of Kim Seokjin.

Soon, it was time for lunch. Jin's favorite time of the school day. His love for food was great for his quirk. The more he eats the more he can create.
In the cafeteria, he gets asked by three boys to sit with them.
Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, and Kim Namjoon.
Jin accepts the offer since he knows Yoongi and hasn't yet met the other two even though they have the same class.
"Hi! I'm Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin." Jin says with a smile.
"I'm Jung Hoseok." Hoseok says returning the smile.
"And I'm Kim Namjoon." Namjoon says, also returning the smile.
Jin ~ "Thanks for inviting me to eat with you guys. I was just going to eat by myself originally."
Yoongi ~ "It's no problem. Feel free to sit with us anytime."
Yoongi smiles when he notices the blush on Jin's cheeks.
Namjoon and Hoseok share irritated looks and glare at their Hyung. It's not fair that he got close with the beauty they are all sitting at the table with.
And their hyung is straight!
Well...he was straight until he saw the beauty that is Kim Seokjin.
Namjoon and Hoseok are snapped out of their thoughts when they hear a laugh that sounds like a...windshield wiper?
They remove their glares from their hyung to see Jin; red in the face and laughing up a storm.
They also see their Hyung smiling his gummy smile.
Hoseok ~ "Um...what did we miss?"
Jin tries to answer still laughing.
Jin ~ "I made a rubber spider and put in on the floor and some guy with red and white hair saw it. He jumped and froze the entire floor."
"So it was you, huh cutie?"
Jin stops all laughter and turns around in his seat to see the guy with red and white hair who froze the floor.
Jin ~ "Um...y-yes. It was me. I didn't think you would freeze the entire floor though. I'm sorry for scaring you."
The guy smiles and lifts Jin's head up by his chin with his thumb and pointer finger.
"The names Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. I think we'll get along just fine doll."
Jin blushes madly and thinks;

What have I gotten myself into?

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