Creepy Pasta Middle School

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Today is just another day at school. I wake up, get ready for school, and make breakfast like usual. I went upstairs and woke up Julia. She is my best friend ever, that's why we live together. She got ready and ate breakfast. After we were done eating we left for school.

We went to our locker and grabbed our stuff for first period, math ugh. We sit down and I start drawing like usual.

"We have a new student in our class today. He is also a new member of the Creepy Pasta society. Jeff come in and introduce yourself." Mrs.Pin says. Then a guy walks in and said some stuff. I don't really catch what he said because I am busy drawing, and I also really didn't care. But I do catch that the guy is  sitting next to Julia, and that she has to show him around the school.

It's lunchtime now and Julia runs straight to me crying.

"What the hell is going on Julie?" I ask.

"J-J-Jeff h-h-hit m-m-me i-i-in th-the h-halls!" Julia answers.

I love Julia like a sister (not the ones I killed) so I walk right up to Jeff and slap him. Hard.

"YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSHOLE! WHY WOULD YOU HURT SOMEONE THAT'S SMALLER THAN YOU AND IS SO SENSITIVE!?!?!?!?" I ask. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground knocked out.

Julia wakes me up and helps me up.


"Nothing. He didn't do anything." Julia says.

"Well if he does, tell me. I'll shove a katana so far up his--" Julia stops me from saying the rest.

"Let's go home. You could use some rest, and I'm not feeling too good myself either." Julia says.

Julia walks, and I limp home. When we get home, we find a leg brace and I put it on (apparently Jeff kicked my leg while I was knocked out). Then I lay down.

A/N: Hi guys, how do you like my book so far? I am definitely liking it. Otherwise I wouldn't have uploaded it... Umm this story goes along with Skketch_creep828's Julia The Lamb. Read her books to find out what happens later in this book... Thank you for reading my stuff. I am going to try to work on flesh bags because I haven't uploaded any thing in who knows how long because I have had major writers block for the last few weeks. ~Kaitlyn :

Kaitlyn The ThrasherWhere stories live. Discover now