Running to the Moon

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PROMPT: Barry, being the sucker he is, buys his son, Lucas, a new pair of running shoes after Caitlin says no

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PROMPT: Barry, being the sucker he is, buys his son, Lucas, a new pair of
running shoes after Caitlin says no. This is him telling Lucas that you don't need
new shoes to be fast. (easy for him to say, he's the Flash). For 'simplysnowbarry's' Day 2: Running Shoes.

PAIRINGS: Barry Allen/Caitlin Snow, (mention) Cisco/Gypsy, (mention) Joe/Cecil

TW: None

A/N: squeee!! snowbarry's kid, i'm so excited. thanks for the positive feedback from the last chapter. i think i made this a bit longer than necessary but oh well?? and sorry for the crappy ending, i was so done with my brain at that point.

• • •

"You didn't. . ."

"I did."


"I'm sorry." Barry sighed, biting his lip to stop the smirk from coming on his lips. "He was just so cute and he wanted to be fast and how could I say no to that?"

"It's one word that he's mastered already and he's only six, I think as his parents we should know it too." Caitlin said, crossing her arms and looking pointedly at her husband. "He has to learn that just because he wants something doesn't mean he always gets it."

"I know, I know," Barry uttered, running his hands through his hair as he looks into the living room from the hallway where Lucas was playing with action figures; his feet rocking the new shoes. "I'll talk to him."

"Thank you." his wife nods and pecks his lips quickly before heading to the kitchen to make dinner.

The superhero inhaled and exhaled slowly and headed into the living room, crazy how he faces dangers every day but can't say no to his sons big brown eyes that Barry swears look like a puppies.

"Hey, bud," he smiles, walking over and sitting criss cross next to Lucas.

"Hi, daddy." the toddler says back, not bothering looking up from his Green Arrow toy that he's fixing the hood on. "You gotta be careful where you sit 'cause Green Arrow and Flash are fighting an invisible man today and you don't want to sit on him." he says in all serious.

"Ooo, an invisible man," Barry gasps, pretending to be scared as he looks around the floor. "How're they gonna catch him?"

"The Green Arrow's gonna use his net arrows while the Flash runs around in circles to distract him." Lucas replies, obviously having thought this through. "Uncle Cisco and Aunt G said to bring him in the water but I didn't wanna do that."

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