❅ 19 ❅

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Veronica walked in to school, late, as usual; But hey, she wants to be fashionably late.

Veronica knew she would have to go to the office to sign in and get a late pass, but did she have to do it? Nope.

She had history class first (which she kind of liked) which just so happened, Jughead was in that class too.

She walked into history, making her teacher, Ms. Harrison, stop her lesson.

"Pass, Ms. Lodge?" Ms. Harrison asked annoyingly.

"It seems... that I've lost it, sorry." Veronica fake smiled at the teacher after pretending to look in her hand bag.

Veronica sat down in her seat next to Josie, and behind them was Jughead and Dilton.

Ms. Harrison continued talking about, whatever it was, and Josie turned to Veronica.

"How come you get away with that every time?" Josie questioned.

"I guess it's because the school is afraid of my parents," Veronica shrugged. "Just because my dad is in jail doesn't mean anything and my mom is very overprotective."

"Hm, I guess the school is afraid of my mom, too. She's mayor and all." Josie smiled at Veronica.

"Oh, wow! You need to tell me more about your life." Veronica returned the smile and was about to say something until Ms. Harrison showed up.

"Is your conversation more important than this lesson I'm teaching?" Ms. Harrison growled.

"No Ms. Harrison." Josie and Veronica said in sync, not sounding sincere.

"Good." Ms. Harrison walked away and continued teaching her class.

Veronica heard a snicker behind her, and when she turned around, it was Jughead.

"What are you laughing at?" Veronica smirked, not forgetting what she did yesterday.

"Hello to you too, 'McTeaser.'" Jughead smirked as well. Veronica scrunched her eyebrows as she didn't know why Jughead said that.

Jughead saw her facial expression and quickly began to explain. "Well, it's your new middle name, since you won't tell me your real one."

"Why that one?"

"Oh, cause you know, you bailed on me." Jughead sounded hurt.

"Aww... I'm so sorry, but it was a joke, hon."

"Ouch." Jughead, being dramatic as he is, put his hand on his heart and acted shocked.

"I have ears, you know," Dilton suddenly jumped in the conversation. "Be quiet!"

Veronica stuck up her middle finger, turned back around because Josie tapped her, and saw a heated Ms. Harrison.

"I am done with you Ms. Lodge! Go to the principal office, NOW!" Ms. Harrison roared.

Veronica wiped her face of Ms. Harrison's spit, got up, and walked out the classroom to go to the principal's office.

And of course, Jughead snickered as she got yelled at Ms. Harrison.

jeronica au: "do you want to talk?"Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat