03 ✨ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴄʜɪʟᴅᴇʀᴇɴ

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"Hm? What do you mean human world?" you once again, raised a brow.
"Isn't this place also a part of the human world?"

"You don't know?" Emma girl asked.

"Know what?" you asked, but before they could even answer, you said, "you know what, just explain wtf is happening here so that I won't keep on asking dumb questions to you" Antenna nodded.

"This isn't a part of the human world, this is the demon's world. My name's Emma and he's Ray" he pointed at the emo kid. "We're from gracefield plantation and we've escaped from it. The demons eat humans, and we're running away from them" she said.

"Demons?" you chuckled. "Demons or any sort of monster isn't real you know"

"Ohoho~ but they really are true, miss outsider" said emo Ray with a smirk.

"Ne, ne, (Y/n)! Do you happen to know William Minerva?" asked Emma the antenna. You stared at her.

"... No, I don't know such a person" you answered blankly. "Hey, are we all okay? I really need to see my owl right now" you said and stood up from the bed you were sleeping. You walked towards the door.

"Hey (Y/n), don't tell anyone about this, okay?" Ray said. "We'll let you stay here, in one condition" he continued.

"What is it?" you turned to face them.

"Help us find William Minerva" Emma and Ray said simultaneously. You felt a pang in your chest as you heard what they said.

"...Sure then" you smiled, before going out.



Emma's voice rang throughout the halls of the shelter. You got out of your room and went to the dining hall/room.

You sat beside the glasses girl whose name was 'Gilda'. After a few minutes, your meal was served. Emma placed a bowl of soup in front of you.

'damn' you thought as you sniffed it's yummy aroma.

Your stomach growled loudly and all their eyes were on you. "S-sorry. I haven't really eaten in about 2 days" you said in slight embarrassment.

They grinned and gave you some of their food.

"The hell?" you chuckled at in confusion.

"Eat all you want. Since, you're now part of our family" said Gilda whose beside you. You smiled widely.

"Thanks everyone. Like seriously, I haven't encountered someone 'angelic' like you guys" you smiled and they've returned your gesture.

After that, you took a sip on your soup.


"W-who? W-who made this?"

"Me" said Ray with a cocky smirk.

'damn that emo kid..! He always gets me'


I'm making small steps bc I don't wanna stress myself because of typing chaps (* ̄︶ ̄*) hope u understand💕 have a great day (๑¯ω¯๑)

promise that soon my chaps will be long (*'∇`*)

REWRITE THE STARS 🌟 NORMAN & RAYKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat