"What were you doing in that house?" he asks skeptically.

"I asked you a question first," I snap. "Answer me."

He shrugs, "Throwing rocks at the old thing. What does it look like?"

Like Hell I'm going to be nice to a bunch of brats who cracked my kitchen window. Who even throws rocks at houses anyway?

Oh, look at me. I'm so cool because I throw rocks at houses.

"Well," I give him my best 'get fucked' smile, "Can you not throw rocks at it?"

"Who made you the boss of me? Your not my mum," he says like the snob he is.

"No, I'm the girl whose about to strangle you with your own intestines."

I can feel my patience slipping away. It's like a rope being pulled and the end is coming closer and closer with each passing second. I try to suppress the rage that builds as if it's a caged animal wanting to be freed. In vicious bursts, it bangs against the already weak bars that crumble away bit by bit.

"Is that a threat?" the boy next to him asks. He has the classic blonde hair and blue eyes. His fists clench, teeth grinding against each other.

"A threat?" I bark a laugh, "It's going to be reality if you don't scram."

The boy who hasn't spoken yet looks as though he wants to flog me. He puffs out his chest and tilts his head back, pride shining in those boyish eyes. Instead of reminding me of a peacock, I can't help but see him as a turkey.

I feel slightly bad for picking a fight with a bunch of twelve year olds but kids can be such brats.

His brown eyes narrow and I welcome the fight. Three, little, human boys isn't much of a challenge but it will be fun to hear their screams.

The silent, brown eyed boy looks  close to pushing me. Hasn't he ever heard that guys should never hit girls?

He takes a threatening step forward when a foreign, male voice cuts the tension.

"Hey! What's going on here?"

A group of older humans approach and I'm absolutely dumbfounded. It's an isolated dirt road next to an ancient looking house. Where are all these people coming from? Perhaps there's a small cluster of houses no too far away?

They look to be in their late teens. Their group consists of three males, one of which who butted in, and two females.

The three twelve? thirteen? year olds are lucky they interrupted. Even if they don't know it.

I'm tired and emotionally drained. Fighting has always been a good distraction for me and I welcome the challenges thrown my way. It could have ended disastrous for them. Not to brag, but it would have been an easy win.

The tall boy answers, "She was threatening us."

All innocence and harmlessness as if they didn't want to beat the shit out of me before.

"Bullshit," I hiss, "You were throwing rocks at me," I twist the truth a little.

"Were not!"

"Oh really?" I hold up my injured hand. The wound that Hester gave me nothing but an ugly, purplish mark. "How do you explain this?"

"We didn't do that! She must have had it before. We didn't hit her with any rocks!" the blonde boy accuses. I appreciate his attempts at trying to expose my lies but that's not going to work.

"I was in the abandoned house when I heard a tapping outside," I begin, "I walked out and these boys were throwing rocks at it. I told them to stop but instead the little shits decide to throw them at me. A rock hit me straight in the hand."

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