Pallavi's face turned red in anger seeing this. She vowed to show hell for Meera to make her regret for her actions and left the place immediately.

 She vowed to show hell for Meera to make her regret for her actions and left the place immediately

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Meera slowly broke the kiss but still her arms were around his neck and slowly opened her eyes. He thought he is lost inside her eyes which are like sparkling stars and which showers pure love even in her unconscious state.

 He thought he is lost inside her eyes which are like sparkling stars and  which showers pure love even in her unconscious state

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She was about to faint but he hold her carefully and he realized that she couldn't walk further. He lifted her in his arms, she put her arms around his neck looking into his eyes. He left the place and reached the parking area. He opened his car and made her sit in the front seat and passed over the seat belt. She sat silently with a puppy face.

He thought where to take her, she can't go to hostel in that state and finally he decided to go to the hotel where he stayed early. He started driving and she asked him to switch on the music player. He didn't object and switched it on, Meera enjoyed the songs playfully. He smiled by looking at her actions.

Finally they reached the hotel and he took her to his room and made her lie on the bed

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Finally they reached the hotel and he took her to his room and made her lie on the bed. She looked at him and he had a beautiful smile on his face which is her all-time favorite. He turned to her and asked why she was starring at him like that by raising his eyebrow. "I like to see you, so I'm seeing. Your smile is very cute and it's my favorite" she said in cute modulation. "Ahaan, Why so?" He asked her in same slang sitting near her.

"Because it's cute and lovely. You look like little Krishna when you're smiling" she said by pinching his cheek. He smiled at her cuteness and liked to continue the conversation.

"Why did you got angry when Pallavi touched me?" He asked playfully. Her expression suddenly changed to furious, "don't talk about her. I hate her, why she is flirting with you that too in front of me. She too tried to seduce you" she said angrily which made him smile more.

 She too tried to seduce you" she said angrily which made him smile more

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"You are mine and only mine. All rights reserved. If someone tries to lay their eyes on you then I'll be the most furious person on this earth. You understand?" she asked by keeping a angry face which made him laugh but his heart flutters like a bird hearing her words.

"But why it is like that. Why should I be yours? I couldn't understand and more than that why you kissed me? I was really shocked you know" he said like a small kid which ignited her anger.

She woke up from the bed and went near him. She hold his shirt collar and her face was few inches apart from his face. He is most talented and a bold person but if she was near him he too felt nervous inside him. He stood there expecting her answer. "You wanna know the reason right, keep this in your mind always. I became angry, I fought with her and I kissed you.. it's all because.. hmm.. because.. I.. I love you" she said looking straight into his eyes.

Her words passed like an electricity inside him. He found true love in her eyes. She told those words three years ago when he broke her heart but now he too wanted to say that he loves her more than anything in this world. They stood there like that and she started to cry. "Meera, what happened to you? Why are you crying?" He asked with concern.

"I'm hungry" she said like a kid with eyes full of tears. "I didn't eat from morning" she said by keeping a sad face. Just then he remembered she didn't had dinner and immediately order food. She sat there crying and he truly have no idea how to console her. "Meera I ordered food, within five minutes they will bring here. Don't cry please" he pleaded but she was not in the state to listen.

Finally, they brought food and he thanked god. He took the plate from server and rushed to her. She took the plate from him immediately and tried to eat but her hands didn't cooperate with her. She applied the food all over her face but not inside her mouth. One side he felt pitty and another side he couldn't control his laughter. He took the plate from her hand and fed her with his hand. She ate eagerly by licking her lips. "It's very tasty" she complimented and finished the whole plate.

After that, he took her to the wash room and cleaned her face and wiped it with towel. He removed her hairpins and made her hair float freely. He removed the necklace and earrings and made her to sleep comfortably on bed. He was about to leave but she asked him not to leave her alone. "Please don't repeat these words Meera, I'll never leave you" he said sincerely holding her hands.

"Then you sit near me still I sleep. Its scary to sleep here alone" she said in pleading tone. He immediately sat near her head and caressed her hair to make her sleep. She placed her head on his lap once he sat near her on the bed and slept peacefully. He smiled looking her cute face while sleeping and kissed her forehead. "Wait for few days Meera, after that we will be together like this forever" he said looking at her face and he too slept in the same position not disturbing her sleep.

 "Wait for few days Meera, after that we will be together like this forever" he said looking at her face and he too slept in the same position not disturbing her sleep

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Hi friends,

55th chapter is here. Do read and give me your valuable comments and votes.

Her Unrequited Love (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora