Chapter 23

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Maddie's POV

I woke up the next morning to Luke's alarm blasting before realizing we have school today.

I felt the bed move beside me and I turned to face my boyfriend.

"Morning Angel" he yawned

"Morning Lukey" I said

I stretched my legs out and realized I was still wearing what I wore yesterday.

After I came back from Ash's..fuçk!

I'm supposed to be there!!

I scrambled out of bed and ran to Luke's dresser.

I grabbed his Green Day shirt and my black skinny jeans before running around to find my backpack and shoes.

"Maddie! What are you doing? Calm down." Luke said

"I-I have to be at A-Ash's" I panted

"Why?" he asked

"Um..i promised him last night..i will explain later I have to go ok?" I said

"Ok Angel, I love you" he said

"I-I love you too Lukey." I said

We kissed and with that I was off.

I finally arrived at Ashton's house,5 minutes later because I ran.

I pulled the silver key out of my back pocket and walked inside and upstairs.

I opened his door and luckily he was still snoring away.

I giggled and closed his door and walked to the bathroom.

I changed into the clothes I had grabbed and put my shoes back on after I had brushed my hair.

I walked downstairs to his kitchen where I grabbed an apple.

I walked BACK upstairs and to Ash's bedroom.

I look at the time and saw it was 6:50am.

We still have lots if time because school starts at 8:00am.

I let him sleep for ten more minutes before I woke him up.

He replied with a 'oh..hi' before getting up and walking to the bathroom after grabbing some clothes.

He came back out in some black skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt with some black converse.

I just smiled a sad smile before grabbing my bag and chucking my apple in the garbage bin.

We walked downstairs and outside.

Can't wait to get to this hell hole.



Well we're here.



A/N here y'all go!

oh and thank you so so freaking much for 2.05k reads☺️💘

have a great Wednesday/Thursday!

Love ya❤️


done. | luke hemmings | lots and lots of editing going on!Where stories live. Discover now