Chapter 26 - Kharn

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Chapter 26

Kharn stormed from the tent, and threw his hands into the air.

Why must I be such a fool?

He spied Demetrius being taken down the street, and decided to follow. He was still bagged, and people paid little attention as he went past. They took him down an alley, where they opened a sewer entrance and entered. Kharn looked down into the dark hole on the street, and visualized where they might be taking Demetrius. He was above the tunnel connecting the merchant quarter to the poor. There was only one place where Demetrius could be locked away. He knew where to find him.

What am I doing?

He had made a choice, he had chosen to follow The Wanted. Hadn't he?

It was the wrong choice.

He knew that everything would be okay with Kara in charge. The city may even be stronger than it's ever been. Couldn't it?


He kicked at the dust, and wrapped his arms around his knees. Why must this be so confusing? He needed to save Demetrius, or else the city he loved would be without laws, and rules. The other Lords will not support this mutiny, there will be civil war. But the Wanted has the United Forces in their pockets, the other lords would never attack with Macros defending the city. Would they?

He spotted a young runner she was headed to the command tent. Kharn stepped from the alley, and intercepted her path.

"Pardon me sir." She said.

"What news?" He asked.

She eyed him up suspiciously. "I was told to report directly to lord Demetrius, sir."

"Demetrius has been usurped. The Wanted are running things now. Which means you report to me."

Her eyes widened, and she took a step back in fear.

"It's the King." She said. "Eric's back."

His heart skipped. "Where?"

"He's being held at the eastern gate."

He quickly ran through the city. This was it, he'd made up his mind. He would abandon the Wanted, and support Eric as King. It was the least he could do after Eric saved his life.

He pushed past people as he ran through the street. He jumped over a cart being towed by a Moa, the driver shook his fist angrily. He had to adjust his path on more than one occasion, as the collapsed citadel had buried much of the cities merchant quarter. Large mounds of rubble meant climbing was impossible.

He finally arrived at the gate, panting and sweaty. He bolted through the door to the barracks, and found Eric sitting calmly on a chair in a room, with Master Aaron standing beside him, surrounded by bodies. Kharn reached down and felt the pulse of the nearest guard.

He was alive.

He looked back to the King and his sorcerer. Aaron was arguing about something, while Eric looked at the wall, disinterested. He didn't look well. His skin looked like it was itching, irritated and red. He twitched his hand slightly as he sat in the chair, and his golden eyes were dilated. Golden?

"Eric. Aaron." He said as he approached.

"Kharn!" Aaron said happily.

"Eric, I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to see you're alive. We must hurry, your uncle has been over run, The Wanted have taken the city."

Eric finally moved. His eyes bore into his, and Kharn quickly looked away. His glare was intense, it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Oh dear." Aaron said quietly. "We must free him."

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