Chapter 4.5 - Ye Zun & Pei Wende "The Lost Child"

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Pei Wende, the son of Minister Pei Mui, the child who lost his mother, and the man that chose an existence like no other.

All due to that fateful night, when the Monster took his mother's life.

Luckily, Pei Wende did not fall victim to the Tigress Beast. The demon had left him unharmed, but the childhood scars were ingrained. The memories of the gentle but fierce mother, who blocked the Demon's path. As a youth, he swore to avenge her death. However, the price was his future that was stolen. A precarious trade for such power, because his veins now ran with the same blood as the ruthless, soulless being he had sworn to annihilate.

Just like his brothers in arms, once they're weakened, the demon's blood will overcome, for the senseless monsters they will eventually succumb. To be comrades is to protect, but also to put the others in check.

A well-trained army of hunters with nothing to lose. Even if they were to die under the other's blade, there is no regret from the choices they made. Ceaseless, but at times senseless. Killing was the norm, because their existence will bring peace to their home.

That night, the familiar darkness simmered with blood and musk when he came across the hideous crime. Who would have thought he would find a rare gem. Glowing so brightly, even the moon could not compare, when its light was another fair. Unlike the celestial orb above, this one was full of fire and blaze. Even in tattered clothes, the luminescent aura remained. Despite being outnumbered, the will to fight against those who tried to tarnish it was unwavering.

However, once Pei rescued the pure blossom of the night, what returned were eyes full of fright. Cautiously, he approached the White Goddess upon his vision, of which force he could not contend. The inner calling was evident. Upon each step, the Swordsman felt the draw to shield this delicate figure -- to safeguard its light.

As long as humans' tales exist, all forms of rare beauties, especially enchantresses are considered bad omens to mankind. Kingdoms have fallen, dynasties end. The message was clear, yet, still most did not heed its warning.

The more men believe they are above these mortal desires, the closer they are to yielding to their basic needs. Yet, the Swordsman by the fire had refused to concede. He was not just any man. He was the fallen, the one who's feet had touched the abyss, with no path to return.

As for now, Pei Wende kept vigil, while this radiant beauty slept. Try as he might, he still couldn't take his eyes off the one he wished to protect...For the fragile fire of the night, had become his light.

History or not, humans could not be changed, because no one is made of rock and stones.


There are those who fear him, there were others who respect him. Hate and honor, they're all one and the same. It made no difference, as long as he could manipulate. Reigning over the masses, weaklings as they were, those puppets were faceless among many. If they allowed themselves to be so easily controlled, they deserved to be led, even to death's door, Ye Zun had rationalized.

But never had Ye Zun elicited this strange reaction. The reserved Swordsman was flustered from his presence, but not out of fear or distaste. The exact description would be shy...abashed, from a grown man?

"I apologize...," the Swordsman's words faltered across the makeshift fire in the abandoned shelter.

His gaze averted once more. "I-I didn't know..."

"That I was a man?" Ye Zun mused, as he adjusted the red garment around his body, savoring the strange warmth, the masculine scent retained from its owner. Different from his nemesis, for it had an added touch of fresh bamboo.

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