
"You're getting big! How's about we play a game, Paisley? Would you like that?" Darien asked, looking up at the Phantom, who watched in distain. He had no intentions of letting Paisley go. She nodded, ready to take up the Warrior's offer.

"Wonderful! Now, you're going to close your eyes, and you can't open them until I say so. If you don't peek, you win a prize!" Darien explained. The Phantom braced himself as Paisley nodded, smiling. She loved prizes.

"Ready? One... two... close your eyes!" Darien shouted. Paisley's eyes slammed shut, and she kept them together tightly, her eyelids crinkling. She was determined to win this game, no matter what. She almost completely forgot she was in any danger.

Darien darted behind the Phantom, wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him into a headlock. He grabbed the Phantom's free hand and pulled it behind his back. It was as much as he could do without putting Paisley in any danger. He began to squeeze, knowing he'd get two outcomes. The Phantom would either let go of Paisley or pass out trying to hold on forever. If there was a third option, such as fighting back, he'd put Paisley in danger, and then he'd have to deal with it in another way.

Of course, the Warrior's luck wasn't too hot. The Phantom began to levitate, letting Paisley dangle by just her arm. She actually reached up and held onto the Phantom with her other hand to keep herself up, screaming, not daring to open her eyes. She would win, despite her fright.

"Look at her, Phantom!" The Warrior shouted. "How can you torment a four year old?"

"She's just a kid," The Phantom shrugged, levitating them higher. Paisley kicked her feet, barely holding on.

"She's no part of this feud between us! She's a child!"

"If I have to wipe out this entire block to find out who you are, so be it."

"Blue, I'm scared!" Paisley cried out. Darien's heart shattered in his chest, wanting to help her more than anything. He knew if he squeezed the Phantom's neck any harder, he'd hurt her. He had no remorse.

There was something about her voice, though. The fear of this little girl he held on by what was essentially a thread, it felt strange. It wasn't such a joyful sound like the cries of the city were when he stirred up trouble. The Phantom looked down at Paisley and really noticed her.

She had red-orange hair that was pulled into high pig tails, and freckles that dotted her little nose. Aside from those, her skin was like clear porcelain. She was probably the most innocent person he ever could have attempted to capture. She almost looked like Caroline.

The Phantom's heart skipped a beat and he immediately lowered them back to the ground. He dropped Caroli-, Paisley's wrist and let her go. She stood there, unsure of what to do. Her eyes, still, were shut tight. Darien noticed the Phantom's empty gaze, and decided to use this time to get Paisley out of there so he could finish this. He stepped up behind her and got down on his knee, almost whispering next to her.

"Now Paisley, when I tell you to open your eyes, I want you to run through the front door and find your mommy. She's waiting for you, but whatever you do, don't look back. If you look back, you lose the game. Okay? Run through the door, find your mommy, and you win. Understand?" He asked her. Paisley nodded.

"One.. two.. open your eyes!" Darien said. Paisley's copper eyes burst open, and she darted as fast as she could out of the front door of the day care, launching herself into her mother's arms. She didn't look back. Her mother caressed her, holding her tight. When Darien confirmed her safety, he turned to the Phantom.

Wasting no time, Darien flew towards him and gave him a right hook, knocking him off his feet. Despite his state moments before, the Phantom quickly retaliated, slamming the Warrior into the wall with brute force. He threw five or six punches to the hero's face, one after the other. The Warrior struggled, but he was eventually able to kick the Phantom off with all the strength he had.

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