Chapter Forty Nine

Start from the beginning

I'd checked the time on the Ute's dashboard before Blayze and I climbed out of the car at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
It had been 10:42PM.
We'd had to sit in some waiting area for an hour before we were even seen to by a Staff Member and I was given nearly ten pages of paperwork to fill out.
While we'd continued to wait, I'd been tempted to call Home and let them know what was going on.
But I'd reminded myself that they were hopefully all asleep.
A further forty-five minutes passed, after I'd been given the stack of paperwork, before a tall, slender Nurse, with slicked back black hair and wearing thick rimmed black glasses approached us.
"Let me take that for you."
She told me, offering a kind smile and extending a pale hand.
I handed her the board, paper's and pen I'd been given.
She looked down at the first sheet for a few moments before lifting her gaze to meet mine again.
"Are you able to walk?"
So she'd read while I was here.
I opened my mouth to speak, but Blayze bet me to it.
"Not without me helping her."
He declared, shifting his weight forward in the chair beside mine.
I eyed my Fiancé curiously, but he avoided my gaze.
Was he on purposely making the situation sound worse than it really was?
I could kind of walk, it just wasn't very comfortable.
The Nurse offered us a quick smile.
"I'll grab a wheelchair then."
"Th-that won't be necessary!"
I protested.
"Blayze can help me."
I shot him a sideways glare.
The Nurse faltered.
"I-I really sh-should get a wh-wheelchair."
She explained.
"Blayze is my Fiancé."
I tried to smile.
"He can help."
He agreed.
The Nurse looked reluctant.
I wriggled my way to the edge of my seat.
Blayze stood and offered a hand down to me.

The black haired Nurse didn't even lead us to a room.
We wound up in a corridor where there were curtain's strung up along one side and I soon learnt that the curtains formed square cubicle type spaces.
They were like room's once you were actually inside, but they certainly weren't something that I was used to.
Even our Regional Hospital had real room's.
Room's where you had real walls and privacy.
To my right, I could hear what sounded like a couple arguing.
On my left I could hear somebody puking their gut's up.
I decided right away I did not like curtain walls.
Blayze helped me onto the Hospital bed and the Nurse was already waiting at the slight gap in the front of the blue-green curtain.
"A Doctor will be in to see you."
She told me before she slipped out of the 'room' and closed the curtain behind her.
"Why did you say I can't walk?"
I whisper hissed to Blayze.
"In case it was a trick question, like if you told her 'yeah I can walk, but it hurts' she might have left you sitting in the waiting room for another two hour's."
He explained, easing himself down into the one lonesome visitor's chair.
I frowned.
I'd not thought of that.
"This Hospital's weird."
I whispered.
Blayze laughed!
I hissed, shooting him a glare.
"It's a City Hospital."
He told me, leaning forward and bracing his elbows on his denim clad thighs.
"They're busier than our Regional ones, obviously."
He glanced around at the blue-green curtain wall's surrounding us.
"My guess is that the real room's are full and they have this set up to try and cope with the patient number's."
I rolled my eyes.
Because it so took a genius to work that one out.
He made a move like he was about to climb out of the chair.
"Do you want a drink?"
He offered.
I'd like to have another Wild Turkey.
But I highly doubted that would be possible.
I whispered, only now realising just how dry my mouth was.
He pushed out of the uncomfortable looking chair and headed for the right side corner of the front curtain.
"I'll be back."
He told me.
I nodded.

The curtain opened a few feet and I looked over, expecting Blayze's return.
But the man slipping into my so called room wasn't my Fiancé.
He wore the usual kind of Doctor get up and had a seemingly lean frame.
His blonde hair was styled with product and he wore black rectangle rimmed glasses upon his narrow nose.
He looked too young to be a Doctor.
Was he even in his mid twenties?
"Hello there!"
He greeted me with a wide smile that indicated he was either a People Person, or had only recently started his shift.
"I'm Doctor Iverson."
He informed me.
I croaked, my throat dry.
"What seem's to be the problem here tonight?"
Doctor Iverson asked, all but leaning his hip against the end of the bed.
He's not read the practically five hundred pages I had to fill out?
I was starting to like the City less and less.
I opened my mouth to speak, but of course a fresh round of hot tear's had to follow suit.
"I-I l-landed f-funny o-on m-my l-left f-foot."
I tried to explain, but thanks to my tight throat and wobbling lips, I wasn't sure if the poor Doctor understood a word of my speech.
"Did you hear any kind of crack's, that might possibly indicate a break?"
The Doctor asked.
I didn't recall hearing or feeling such a thing, but I definitely didn't want to tell the Doctor where we'd been and what I'd been doing.
Where the hell was Blayze?
He could tell the Doctor what he'd seen of my ankle.
"I c-can kind o-of walk, b-but it's n-not so c-comfortable."
I tried to explain.
The Doctor nodded.
"Can you stand with your weight evenly distributed between your feet?"
I nodded, a few tear's slightly blurring my vision.
"B-but it m-makes my a-ankle throb."
The Doctor nodded.
"Before we think about sending you for scan's, I'd like to take a look at the foot and ankle, if I can."
I nodded.
I'd much rather the Doctor take a look, than go off somewhere to have x-rays.
The front curtain slid to the side a few feet.
My heart stuttered with relief when my gaze locked on Blayze's familiar figure.
The Doctor twisted around, obviously curious about somebody intruding.
He straightened up and I almost giggled at the thought of Mr. Weedy trying to tell Blayze Riley to get lost.
"Blayze Riley?"
He asked, sounding shocked.
Hold on a minute-?
Blayze blinked.
"Lachlan Iverson?"
He returned.
They know each other?
How the hell?
The Doctor stepped forward, extending his right hand.
I wished I could see the Doctor's face right now.
Blayze's expression was mostly blank, but mildly curious.
He passed a bottle of Coke to join a second bottle in his left hand and he slowly accepted the Doctor's right hand.
"You live in the City now?!"
The Doctor asked as they shook hand's, his shock more than audible.
I almost laughed!
"Not on your life!"
Blayze retorted, eyes wide and seemingly hurriedly releasing the Doctor's hand.
I giggled.
The Doctor looked noticeably confused as he twisted to look at me, sitting up in the Hospital bed.
"Are you lost?"
He asked Blayze, turning back to face him.
Blayze replied, making his way around the foot of the Hospital bed.
A bottle of Coke had never looked so good!
"Thank you!"
I exclaimed, stretching my arms forward.
Blayze rolled his eyes and handed me the clearly unopened bottle.
Obviously he'd taken a drink while he'd made his way back to my room.
Curtain cubicle, whatever you wanted to call it.
I quickly twisted the red top off the plastic bottle and lifted the rim to my lips.
The fizzy sensation of the liquid nearly made me cough, but I was too thirsty to stop drinking.

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