"Why are we here? Where's Naruto as well?"

Kakashi stood focused on his book. "I want to read. Why don't you forget Naruto and talk to your colleagues?"

"Hmph, not like I've got a choice."

Seconds later, Sasuke noticed a green tinge across the other end of the area. Recognising who it was, he walked along only to see needless bickering from two sides.

"I do not understand Tenten." A passionate voice run out. "Why must I not follow the rules of formal requirements and say my hello's to everyone gathered on this fine picnic?"

Tenten was often regarded as a likely asset in long and short range fights. She was a semi-powerful kunoichi known for her advanced use of transportation scrolls and weapons handling. With her recognisable buns across her side and her bright pink shirt sprayed with yellow lines across, she showed confidence in her skills.

"Because you act embarrassingly. Don't you realise how much you upset Neji and me for once, Lee?"

Rock Lee was often regarded as a respected genin amongst his peers. Whilst he would often work in exceedingly long hours, the boy was known as a great man who deserved everybody's attention. He always stood out with his green tight suit and remarkably huge eyebrows, but this highlighted his confidence and productivity as a Konoha ninja.

Both sides looked across to their third formal peer and awaited his answer. "I could honestly care less about how idiotic Lee acts."

Neji Hyuga was a cool-headed rookie amongst his group. Whilst he would always act seriously, he had opened up a newly-founded soft spot for his cousin Hinata, despite tormenting her in the past. He was unmistakable with his white jacket, unique white eyes and long tied hair.

Tenten stammered whilst her opponent jumped up and down with energy. "Since I have gracefully won..." Noticing Sasuke, Lee ran across to him. "How do you do on this fine day Sasuke?"

"I'm doing well. Anyway, congratulations on your leg."

"Why thank you my dear friend Sasuke. Let us find Shikamaru and Kiba to show them our joyous guest!"

"I'd rather no-"

"Come along!" Lee pulled on Sasuke and dragged him across his desired location, leaving Neji and Tenten beside each other.

"Does Sasuke even remember Lee's name?"

"I should hope so. However those two barely have any time to talk between themselves."

The two felt a tinge of embarrassment whilst thinking of Sasuke's possible thoughts. They soon began admiring the view. Neji spotted Hinata.

"Lady Hinata, Do you care to sit beside me?"

"Uh, ok..."

The girl stammered herself across the area and sat alongside the two. The fresh airy breeze flew past them, giving the three a nice sigh of freedom.

"I don't understand why we're even having a picnic, but I'm not complaining."

"I couldn't agree less."

Naruto: Reunion - DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now