10) Team 7

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"Sasuke. Why don't you do the honours of dragging them along on our quest?"

"You still haven't told me why you wanted me along. I'm not interested in a friend gathering."

"Go on."

With his breath escaping his mouth, the boy walked up to Naruto and spoke, "Hey, dunce. Follow me!"

With an annoyed feeling crawling into him, Naruto put his fists up to fight but Sasuke ignored it and walked towards Kakashi.

"Come along now you two. Me and Sasuke have some important news to tell you two."

"You never even told me yet."

"Ok...maybe just me who has important news to tell you guys..."

Kakashi followed after Sasuke whilst the two behind them chatted cheerfully whilst walking along.

"Wahoo. Does that mean I get a training break?"

"We were just in our training break." Yamato put his hand on his face, "How did Kakashi handle you and two others just like you?"


Along their walk they met up with Sakura who was very much exited to meet the rest of her group.

"Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi sensei, are you all ready?"

"For what exactly?" Sasuke was still figuring everything out, "I still don't know." He ruffled his hair.

The young girl realised her friends had not got the message but when she saw Kakashi, she got the hint and kept it a secret.

"Funny don't you think?" Naruto budged Yamato's arm, "She never got your name!"

"She never did, but you will have it engraved within you at this point if you keep acting this way!"

Naruto stopped and sulked the remainder of their walk to the hokage's headquarters. Sakura led the way with a smiling face whilst the two boys beside her tried their hardest to decipher it.


Shizune spent her time clearing away Sakura's books in the library. It was a local spot where only those recognised by the hokage could go and read up on the crucial information that konoha had collected over the years. Each stack of books were assorted in their different order and every week or so was cleaned, dusted and shelved in order to ensure restoration.

As footsteps were heard outside, Tonton, Tsunade's pet pig peeked outside and alerted Shizune. The assistant sighed and looked out to see them.

"I thought they were disbanded..." The group walked past her, "Tenzo as well?"

Tonton rolled around the floor and moved the books about to alert Shizune to head back to her work. Begrudgingly, she went back and after a few minutes she realised her plan.

"So that's lady Tsunade's game. She's breaking their spirits by temporarily disbanding them every once in a while so they can achieve more!"

Tsunade was always seen to gamble and drink alcohol whenever her assistant was around her but as she realised this it occurred to her that Tsunade had the power to become a great hokage.

Feeling happy that her master could finally achieve well in her life, she cuddled Tonton and bought the animal to her hand. It was nice to see Tsunade back in action again.

"I should thank Sakura when I next see her!" She hummed to herself.


"An A-rank mission?", everyone erupted into a hysteric roar.

Tsunade smiled a little but evaded back to her serious demeanour to let everyone know she was serious.

"Of course all of you would be picked for this role. Sasuke was the one who told the original info so he should know the most about the place. Naruto pursued Sasuke in order to bring him back so he will be reliable on route. Sakura is a trained specialist medical shinobi so she will come in handy for minor injuries and all instructors are ordered by law to come with their students if they are genin or lower. All of you are suited for the job!"

"But lady Tsunade!" The door slammed open to reveal Shizune, "don't you think it will be dangerous for Naruto?" The pig beside her oinked in recession.

"What's so important about Naruto?"

"Well he..." as Shizune was about to answer she looked upon Naruto, Yamato and Kakashi who signalled not to speak, "never mind. He is qualified..."

"Good. You are all to meet with Anko mitarashi who was sent up to the lair to investigate whether it was safe or not and are instructed to act as a search unit. Take any hostages back for info and don't miss over the details. Am I clear?"

"Yes lady hokage!" Everyone chanted.

As soon as the group left Tsunade shot an irritated look to her assistant.

"You are not to discuss Naruto with anyone other then me. You hear me?"

"Uh, yes Tsunade..." She felt guilt escape her, "But he is a jinchuuriki ma'am-"

"What of it. Deep inside Naruto is human and it's up to the village to see that."

"I guess but I think the village should at least know what he is."

"Me and Jiraiya have been discussing it for a while, don't worry. Naruto will come to admit what he is around the time his squad comes back."

"Are you going to force him?"

"No, we're going to make it easier for him. That is all."

Shizune sighed and left the room to do her previous work. So did Tsunade in resuming hers. The new hokage had a lot to go over.



1. Kakashi the copy ninja
2. Naruto the knucklehead
3. Sasuke of the uchiha clan
4. Tsunade the new hokage
5. Ibiki the expert
6. Jiraiya the gallant
7. Sakura the brains
8. Danzo Of ROOT
9. Anko as Sasuke's new teacher
10. Yamato as Naruto's new teacher
11. Sai of ROOT
12. Shizune as Tsunade's assistant
13. Tonton as Tsunade's pig

Naruto: Reunion - DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now