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read on a black
screen for better

On the 25th of March2019, a local schoolbus loses control andcrashes off the MapoBridge at 2:58 PMOn this bus were 27children between theages of 12 and 17 alongwith 4 adults

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On the 25th of March
2019, a local school
bus loses control and
crashes off the Mapo
Bridge at 2:58 PM
On this bus were 27
children between the
ages of 12 and 17 along
with 4 adults.

7 children and 1 adult
died in the accident,
1 child is still missing, 1
in a coma and the other 17
seriously injured. The last
remaining adults and other
witnesses along with rescue
boats were quickly on the
scene, however could not
save all the children from
the recage slowly sinking
into the Han River.

The 7 heroic children
that tragically died in
the crash where boys:
Bang 'Chris' Chan,
Lee 'Felix' Yongbok,
Yang Jeongin,
Kim Woojin,
Kim Seungmin,
Hwang Hyunjin,
Seo Changbin.

The boys were
found situated at the
back of the bus, trying
to free their friends
who had become stuck
between the fallen
seats. Miraculously, all
the children they freed
had survived, only one
is said to be in a critical

Authorities are

beep beep

on the look out-

beep beep beep
beep beep

for the 16 year old
boy who remains

beep beep beep
beep beep beep
beep beep beep

There was a sudden rush of air, pushing up his chest and towards his throat. Unlike what he normally felt, or remembered feeling, it felt constricted and heavy. Was air supposed to be heavy?

At first, it was bland. Most of you may not know, but you can always taste your mouth. While you may not be able to decipher what that taste may be, it's always there. You don't just forget that you have a tongue that can taste. But is this case, he couldn't feel a tongue. Or the causal touch of teeth, dry and bland was how it felt. Therefore, his first instinct was to bite his tounge, move it and make sure it was still there.

But he couldn't exactly remember how he could do that.

So he opted to look around instead, only to realise it was dark, causing him to panic. Perhaps someone has assumed he was dead and put him in a coffin six feet down into the earth and he couldn't even call out for help (Not that they'd hear him from down here.)

It was only a few seconds after did the daunting feeling of being buried alive dissipate and was quickly replaced with stupidity, it was dark because his eyes were closed. He wasn't mistaking for a corpse, he simply had to open his eyelids and show the world he had survived the-


Screaming, panic,
a hard push of air
against the metal
bus as they plummeted
into the river.

Children grabbing
onto seats, some
unaware and not yet
processed what was
taking place- others
unconscious as soon
as the bus slid across
the road and off the

Oh god, the accident.

The front of the bus
was the first to hit
the water, sending a
jolt of force along
the seats- children
flying out windows
and glass shattered
into peoples skin.

The seat in front
of him jerked before
clamping onto his
foot, metal digging into
his knee cap as the
water quickly rushed
towards the back where
he sat in fear.

People were pulling
at him, faces blurry
and screams muffled
by deadly water.

The blood in the
water itchy against
the chair digging
into his bones.

He died. He must have died, there's no way he could have-

Strong arms grabbing
his waist and one final
pull had freed him, tearing
muscle and skin,
and he saw what would
be the last of his
selfless friend Chan.

Changbin, frantically
pulled at his arm to
hoist him towards the
surface, was quickly
losing air.

Just as he was
quickly losing blood,
Hyunjin clamped
onto his elbow and
pushed him against

He didn't get to see
the remainder of
his friends release
their last bubbles,
before swallowing
blood filled water;

Because as soon
as Hyunjin gave
a final pull and
kick towards the
surface, letting
go of the injured
boy so the boats on
the surface could see
his blood, everything
went white- then

He could taste again, through the corners of his mouth he tasted salty water. Regaining the consciousness to feel his face muscles, he was vaguely aware of the tears pouring out the corner of his eyes and down the side and top of his face.

And slowly, Jisung fluttered open his eyelids- the familiar feeling of the retracting muscle allowing bright and painful light to sink into his pupil. Like an endless black hole he took his his white surroundings, the erge to close his eyes and blink away growing tears tempting but undoable.

He began to sob.

― ― ― ― ― •





read with
caution ,
for this
won't end
the way
you want.

• ― ― ― ― ―

WED 20 MAR'-

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