Girl Meets Sneak Attack

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"May I be excused?" Maya was trying to tell Riley what to say. It's didn't go so well.
"My eyes see my shoes." Maya looked at Missy and Lucas which made Mr Matthews understand the situation.
"Yes, Riley, you may be excused." "Forever?"
"No, you have to come back to class at some point, honey. You just have to."
Riley left the classroom a mess and Mr Matthews continued the lesson.

"It was another sunny day in paradise before the sneak attack that changed everything." I looked out of the window to the hall and saw Riley staring at Maya and Lucas.
"Do you like the movies? Dark at the movies," Missy said flirting with Lucas which made me want to throw up.
"Depends on the movie. Depends who I'm going with," he replied to her.
"Mm, scary movies? I get scared at scary movies. You'll take care of me though, right?"

"People who had viewed themselves as safe no longer had any security at all," Mr Matthews continued.
"Just you and me, Missy?"
"Just you and me, Lucas. Boop." She tapped Lucas' nose at the same time and then Riley came storming through the back door.
"Boop? That's the best you got?"
"Please be cool, please be cool, please be cool," Maya said.

"You don't think that I can do boop?" I ran to the front forgetting about the issue outside and squatted next to Farkle.
"How bad do you think this is gonna be?" I asked Farkle and he was just being positive.
"I think we should have some faith in our Riley."
"I can do boop like you've never seen. Boop!" Riley goes to 'boop' Lucas on the nose and accidentally puts her finger from his nose.
"Does anybody see this?"
"Everybody sees this," Bradford adds.

"Take your finger out!"
"Can't. Can't move. Scared."
"Do you think Lucas knows?" By the look on Lucas' face, he knows.
"Riley, I've never seen anything like this before. I don't know what's going to happen."
"Farkle?" Farkle quickly stood up so I took his seat with no issues.

"Boy, Riley. I don't think I could do that even if I tried. Hey, Aiden, boop. Oh no." I now had Farkle's finger up my nose, so I grabbed his finger from my nose and put it down, moved my chair back and I placed Farkle in my lap, where he smirked.
"The bombing of Pearl Harbor was our official entrance into a world at war, and nothing would ever be the same."

"You want me to bring you lunch?"  "No. Food would only keep me alive." "Come on, little plant. Come back into the sun," I said hoping it would make a difference reminding her of the morning that had just occured.
"I'm afraid something terrible will happen if I ever come out of here."
"Riley, that's crazy. Nothing could be worse than what's already happened."  I nudged Farkle as if to say 'Shut Up'!

I saw Missy walking over to us so I just scowled before she reached us.
"Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you. You're not upset with me, are you? Because I didn't hear that you and Lucas were together or anything."
"We're not," Riley replied.
"Hmm, yeah, that's what I thought. So if you're not, then it's not a problem if I ask Lucas out, because he's really cute. Don't you think?"
"I loathe you," I said to the prissy pink Barbie bitch.
"Well, Lucas doesn't. In fact, I think he's kind of into me. Shocker."
"I live here now."

I went home after school instead of going with Maya to Riley's because I wanted time alone to think and maybe compose a new song. I grab my new journal Mr Matthews gave me and started making a new tune. I managed to scribble a couple of new lyrics down so I gave them a quick go.

If I'm too young, to fall in love,
Why do you keep running through my brain,
And if i'm too young, to know anything,
Then why do I know that I'm just not the same,
Don't tell me I won't,
Don't tell me I can't feel,
What I'm feeling is real,
If I'm too young...

I walked into the cafeteria during lunch the next day and saw Riley and Maya sat at their usually table so I decided to sit with Lola and Roxanne who were a year older than us.
"Hey Lola, Roxy. Mind if I join you two?"
"Not at all Aiden, I'm just wondering why you aren't sat with Riley and your sister."
"I just feel like I'm kind of invisible to them now." They looked at me with sad eyes and just ate their food and I ate mine too.

After lunch I was walking and some guy pushed me and I fell on the floor. He shouted back at me.
"Watch where you are going, Faggot."
I looked at the boy and shouted back at him.
"Hey! What the hell did you just call me."
"You heard me, Homo. Watch where you are going!" I walked up to the boy who was a year older than me and didn't even realise that my fist had moved and swung around his face. It wasn't until I saw blood coming down his cheekbone that I realised.
"Mr Hart. Detention." I turned around and saw Mr Matthews.
"Mr Allen, you should come with me to my classroom. I think we should have a conversation about possible suspension."

I was sat at the back of the classroom in detention and Riley and everyone were near the front. Missy eventually walked in. Riley and Missy ended up having a conversation.
"How you doing?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I'm a bad girl."
"Yeah, you don't want to mess with this one," Maya added.
"What are these, place cards?"
"Yep, I made them. You sit over there." She pointed to the other side of the classroom at the back near me but about three seats apart.
"I think this seat has my name on it, actually." Missy took a seat next to Lucas.

"All right, guys. I like my detention to have a little learning in it. So I'd like to continue talking about Pearl Harbor and what happened after the sneak attack. The world was at war and alliances were forged in battle and were made stronger because of that." Farkle walked up to the classroom and looked in to see us all.
"What is this place?"
"It's detention, Farkle. It's not for you."
"If my friends are in it, then it's for me." Farkle walked in and just took a seat at the front. Did he not even acknowledge that I was there either?

"During this war the United States was put to one of its greatest tests when it met a threat to our way of life. But because we were united, we prevailed."
" Hey, Riley? Missy invited me to see a movie with her," Lucas said speaking up.
"I think she's aware of that, Lucas. No need to make her feel worse."
"And I was wondering if maybe you guys would like to come along with us?"
"You want us?"
"Uh uh, I'm sorry, Lucas. That wasn't the invitation."
"Oh! Well then, I'm sorry, Missy, but I can't go."
"What are you talking about? Nobody's ever turned me down in my life."
"Well, see, these are my friends. And I don't like doing anything without my friends. Right, Riley?"
"Yeah. Right."

"Now I certainly appreciate your wanting me to care of you during a scary movie, and you showing me your leg and all, but back here in the seventh grade, I think maybe we'd have more fun just hanging out together."
"Boop," Maya said as Missy stood up and walked to the front of the classroom.
"Grow up." Missy turned around and left detention.
"Not Yet."
"Oh, she's leaving? Okay."

Riley turned around at me at the back and just smiled. Didn't say anything. Just a smile.
"Hey," Riley said to Lucas.
"Hey," Lucas replied.
"You know what the easiest thing about having friends is?"
"Sometimes all you have to do is trust them."

"When peace time came, the United States enjoyed its greatest period of growth, prosperity and happiness. Detention over.You guys coming?"
"No, we're good right here."

Riley stood up and walked over to me and everyone else followed her. Even Mr Matthews.
"Aiden, what's going on with you?" I looked at her astonished. I stood up and slammed my hands on the table.
"Am I just a chess piece to you two. You forget I exist. You treat me like I am invisible. I am just as important as all of you but you act like the world it just Riley and Maya. Aiden doesn't matter. Not anymore anyways." I stormed out of the classroom and I went home, hoping Maya wouldn't mess with me tonight.

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