The tower to hell

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3rd person POV 

The group was ready to leave, (Y / N) found a boat where he waited patiently for the rest. 

Gray: "Are you sure you want to go by boat?" 

(Y / N): "Yes, I'm ready" By pure willpower and determination (Y / N) doesnt got seasick, After a few minutes on the boat and a thunderous silence Lucy decided to ask.

 Lucy: "(Y / N), what are you thinking about?" 

(Y / N): "A plan" he said while looking at the cloudy sky "I dont know what they will be capable of, we can not go without a plan" 

Gray: "Then, what do you have in mind" 

Lucy: "Yes, we all need to know the plan, but Natsu ..." 

(Y / N): "Explain it to him when we get there" after this he decided to look ahead "The plan is simple, you go up through the entrance, I will go through a hidden entrace, or a back door" 

Gray: "If we do that, they will find us right away" 

Juvia: "Juvia does not want to sound rude, but Gray-sama is right" 

Lucy: "Yes, it's a terrible plan" 

(Y / N): "I will hide you with my own presence" after this several boats in ruins appeared floating by the waters "Juvia hide us" 

Minutes later they reached a structure that stretched to the clouds, a malignant presence came out of that tower, everyone got off the boat after tying it in a small port that had, (Y / N) went on the opposite side of the group while starting to increase his magic pressure, many guards of the tower went to stand in his way, tens were on a large spiral staircase waiting

Guarda # 1: "Where is that thing?" 

Guarda # 2: "I do not know, but I'm scared" The door at the end of the spiral opened with a kick. the guards prepared and took a couple of steps forward. 

(Y / N): "mmmmmh, It seems I'm going to have a great time" 

After this a grim smile was drawing on his face. With his right arm I pointed to the mass of guards waiting for him a few meters up, after a little mockery to infuriate them he started to run, as the first rows of the army that was in front began to charge against (Y / N), which cut with its claws the protections and shields as if they were paper, cut after cut (Y / N) began to bathe with the blood of those who were killing, several seconds after starting the rampage, those who had crossbows or long-range weapons began firing towards (Y / N), he just grabs the still alive guards and use them as a shild. 

(Y / N): "* gasp * Come on ... * gasp * come for me ... you still have not done anything, Im exhausted" 

the few guards left alive were trembling with fear on the cold stairs that led to the door that connected with one of the main rooms of the tower, in a vague attempt to save his life one of the guards shot an arrow towards (Y / N), he caught it in the air and broke it with his own hands without any effort, Several screams were heard before an absolute silence followed by the opening of a door and gasps.

(Y / N): "if those bastards have done something to Erza ... i'll * cough * ... I think I used too much magic"

 After this (Y / N) he fainted momentarily. 

???: "Is that (Y / N)?" 

???: "The guy from the casino"

 Natsu, Gray and Simon had found (Y / N) bathed in blood  against the frame of the door, resting, Natsu shaked (Y / N) to wake him up, this worked quite well, Natsu hugged (Y / N) hard, with few tears on his face. 

(Y / N): "Come on, let it all go, brother" (Y / N) look at Simon and then at Gray "Is he with you?" Gray nodded as Natsu helped (Y / N) to get up. 

Simon: "I'm sorry about what happened at the resort, we followed orders from Jellal without knowing what was really happening" 

(Y / N): "Who is this Jellal ?,  you better explain me well and fast, because I'm going for that son of a bitch"

Simon briefly explained his past, (Y / N) was determined to go with Jellal's plans.

(Y / N): "I do not care if you were friends from childhood, he will pay for all the damage that caused"

the group came across a large room adorned with Japanese architecture and a huge cherry tree.

Simon: "Behind that door is Jellal, you should not underestimate him"

after this (Y / N) I knock out Natsu and Gray and support them on a railing and turn to look at Simon.

(Y / N): "I trust you, if something happens I'll end you too" after this (Y / N) entered the room where they were Erza and Jellal, despite the situation (Y / N) was left at the margin momentarily while listening to the other two

(Y / N): "Wow, you have managed to make Erza say that she gives up"

Erza: "* flushed * aaaah, (Y / N) this is not what it seems, we were fighting and ...."

(Y / N): "Erza, get away from that guy" he said as volts sizzled along his body "I know what he wants to do."

Erza: "No, he was possessed by ..."

Jellal: "The first time I saw you in the council I knew that you could be a danger to my plans, but no, Etherion is about to be shot"

Erza: "since when did you meet?"

(Y / N): "that does not matter now"

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