Nicknames and Gutters

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Rey felt her soul the exact moment it left her body. 

There Ben was, propelling himself up a wall by pure momentum and leverage. 

After showing her how to get up the intro, Rey tried to delay her inevitable climb by asking him to show her something harder. 

So he sauntered off with that massive, luxurious, somewhat odd yet endearing, gate and clipped in. 

And now here Rey was, vividly seeing the strain of his muscles as they twitched in his 'too tight to be legally allowed' tee shirt, his biceps bulging as he grabbed an under his next hold and pushed off with his legs. 

Don't even get Rey started on his legs. Or how damn tall he was. Or how he was likely proportional in every way, and how easy it would be for him to hoist her up and send her into outer space. 

Let's be honest here, Rey's soul left her body a long time ago. Basically, since she met him which was all of what... fifteen minutes ago? 

Oh no. I've got it bad.

She would think about that later. Maybe during a time when she didn't have a valid excuse to stare at his ass, among other things, for god knows how long. 

No. She needed to have all her attention in the present. 

Ben only had two holds left to the top, but instead of using them like Rey assumed a normal person would, he decided to push off and jump to the top. Just too you know... torment her more. 

She may be having a hard time standing right now, much less forming legitimate thoughts, but at least she had a spectacular view. 

He came down in the auto-belay and she scrambled to collect her brain before he landed. 

"Well done. I think my faith in your abilities has improved a little." She said as he unclipped the carabiner.  

Ben turned and she didn't realize how close she stood until he towered over her. 

Did she mention he was tall because man was tall? 

He leaned over slightly as he said, "Oh, I have no doubt in my ability to appease your expectations." Rey forgot how to breathe. She knew he was talking about climbing, but her brain was already far down the gutter she dared rats even ventured there. It also wasn't helpful that in that moment his scent hit her. It was warm with layers of smoke and sweat that had her sinking farther into her brains ideas. It was some incomprehensible mixture of everything she loved. 

Dear god what cologne does this man use. 

She took a step back before her hands did something of their own accord. 

He walked right passed her. 

Right. See Rey. He has zero interest in you, he was just trying to get to his water. 

Then he took off his beanie and ran his hand through his dark brown locks and Rey knew she was mercilessly fucked.

Or rather wishing to be mercilessly fucked.

Stop it. Stoooppppppp. 

"Your turn." 

"Huh? Oh yeah, okay." Rey responded seriously  trying to stop her brain this time. It was like arm wrestling with a behemoth. She knew there was no winning the fight with her thoughts once it started. 

She quickly walked off to her friendly yellow intro friend before she lost whatever hold she had on herself. 

She made it half the wall before her arms decided they didn't want to work anymore. 

"You need to use your feet more. You're using solely your arms to propel you up." Ben said as he peered up at her. "Left foot over and up to the hold at your knee." 

She made it up once more with his instruction.

"Hey, look at that. Only one hesitation that time." He said once she hit the ground. 


They started making their way down the stairs, Rey trying very hard not to bump into him in the narrow stairway that was clearly not made for two people, less so one who embodies a Greek god with his wide shoulders and toned everything.

"Rey! There you are!" Rose called up to her as she jogged over, Finn in tow. 

She paused in front of them at the base of the stairs. 

"Eeyore, competition is on. New best for speed climbing. 6.4 seconds." Rose said, nudging her arm into Finn's side as her eyebrows worked in that classic Rose like way. 

Rey turned to look at Ben who appeared embarrassed at the use of a nickname. 

"Eeyore?" She asked, turning her gaze toward Rose. 

"It's the ears," Ben muttered. 

"Oh and let us not forget the raincloud personality," Rose added with a playful grin. "It's a thing around her. Ben is Eeyore, Phasma the girl who set up your certification, is chrome dome." Rey quirked an eyebrow in question. "We've taken to calling her chrome though. That one is new, courtesy of Finn the first night he came."

"Yeah, because she just about ran me over with her motorcycle and that obnoxious chrome-plated helmet of hers," Finn said with an exasperated chuckle. 

"Hux, you haven't met him yet, is hugs. Who else? Oh yeah! Poe is Papi. He is named after the dog from Beverly Hills chihuahua, you know 'small but mighty'. We've still gotta come up with one for Zay and eventually you guys!" 

"And you're spidermonkey." Rey concluded. 

"Ah, yes." Rose plastered on her best grin and Rey couldn't help but chuckle. 

She gazed over to Ben, who was sporting a small hidden smile. 

"Okay. We're going to go check on Poe and drag him away from Zay before she mauls him." 

"Okay. I'll return my gear." Rey replied.

They split up and Rey was left alone with 'Eeyore' yet again.

"When do you work?" Rey asked as Ben skirted his way around the counter. 

"Monday through Thursday, but I'm in on Sundays to workout." He responded as she handed over her shoes. 

"Well. I'm sure I'll see you again soon then." 

"Looking forward to it." 

Rey may or may not have engrained that schedule into her brain. 

She also may or may not have come every day next week, to climb...

Hello everyone. Sooooo this is very extra. I realize my overboardness as i finish this part,and for that i appoligize. I still hope you enjoy it enough to keep reading, and i hope i brought a smile to your face. 

Love you all,


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