Let me explain this. My dad and Septimus grew up together, and became just as close as brothers. When Mom cast the reincarnation spell to begin their long process of correcting the balance of nature, they brought Uncle Septimus with them. Uncle Luke and Eric are from Uncle Septimus' bloodline. Aunt Hope, who is a descendant of Mom's, and her mate, Uncle Miles, were Mom and Dad's last hosts during the reincarnation spell. We're all a large family though. In mine and my siblings eyes, everyone is an Aunt, or Uncle, or cousin.

Lexie is different from them though. She's my everything. I live and breath for her. When she was born, Dad had to command me not to mark her. The need to be with her was consuming when I walked into Abigail's delivery room. When Abigail was pregnant with her, I already felt the pull to her, and when I saw her for the first time, even though she was just a newborn, I almost marked her. I was inches away from biting her neck when Dad commanded me not to. He later amended it to where I couldn't mark her until Lexie was at least sixteen.

I had already known that Lexie wouldn't want me to mark her until she was out of high school from the vision Aemilia had shown me, and when Dad's command lifted, I had to have him command me again to not do it until she was ready. I just didn't have the willpower Dad did. He didn't mark mom for months after they met. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm not as strong as him, but at least I was able to mark Lexie when she was ready.

Dad and Uncle Septimus tried to warn me what it would be like to actually mark Lexie, but nothing they told me prepared me for what really happened. It was literally the night she graduated high school. The whole family had been on the back patio celebrating Lexie's, and Aunt Hope's and Uncle Miles' twin girls, Brianna and Braelyn, graduating. Lexie and the twins were cutting their cakes, and I was standing a little behind Lexie. She hadn't exactly told me she was ready yet, but I knew she wanted to after she graduated. So, when the breeze picked up, and flung her dirty blonde hair behind her towards me, I got a big whiff of her scent, and I just couldn't wait any longer. Dad and Uncle Septimus knew by the look in my eyes that there was no stopping me from marking her right then and there. At least, they didn't try to stop me. I pretty sure Aemilia tipped them off to when it would happen.

I had always kept a little distance between Lexie and I. I hadn't even kissed her yet. Even still, it only took four steps to get to her. I had grabbed her by her tiny waist, spun her around to look at me, and when her shaky breath had blown across my jaw, I lost myself. I had held back marking her for nineteen years, and when I finally had her in my arms, and her breath on my chin, I buried my head into the crook of her neck in front of the entire family without even thinking about it.

I don't remember their reactions. All I remember is the massive hard on I got, and how every single thing became all about her. I already wanted to give her everything she ever desired, but after I made her mine, the feeling of wanting to make her happy intensified a hundred fold. When I ran my tongue over my mark to seal it, Lexie moaned, and then we were suddenly in my bedroom. If I can only hear one thing for the rest of my life, it would be Lexie moaning. It's so light, and feathery, and it can send me over the edge faster than anything else. I hadn't been the one to take us to my bedroom, and no one will tell me who it was. All I want to do is thank them.

When Lexie and I completed our bond, we found out that she became a Guild Leader as a result of it. Her powers aren't as strong as us Heteria's though. She has to actually put her full weight into a command in order for it to take effect, whereas we can simply say something strongly and it works. Uncle Septimus is the same way. When mom linked him to her and Dad for her reincarnation spell, she did it after she made her and Dad Guild Leaders. So Uncle Septimus can command wolves, but he too has to put his full weight into it. Other than while Mom and Dad were reconnecting their bonds, and during their battle, Uncle Septimus has never used it. Lexie can use hers, but she doesn't. Anytime she wants something done, which is extremely rare, people do it simply because she's mated to me.

In the Midst of the Light~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Four (COMPLETE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora