Chapter 9: 'There's Your Change.'

Start from the beginning

I felt bad for the way I spoke to her the other day.

"Look I'm sorr-"


Tony interrupted me by opening the club door and giving me a 'get your arse moving' look.

Maddison looked at me and then at Rey.

I didn't have time for this and I knew Tony would kill me if I didn't get this done.

"Look I'll see you later."

I quickly spoke before hurrying out of the shop.

Maddison's POV

"Yeah. See you."

I spoke to myself since rushed away. Rey looked at me sadly.

"What's wrong with Patwick?"

"I don't know Rey. Don't worry though, I'm sure he's just busy."

Part of me was curious as he walked out a nightclub in the middle of the day but I pushed the thought from my mind and continued walking with Rey until we got to the ice cream parlour and she picked which one she wanted. We sat down outside and I bought a can of soda while I waited for her to finish her ice cream.

She then skipped back to the car. She's so cute.

We drove home and and saw my aunt on the couch, watching Friends.

We said our hellos and we watched some TV together. Rey was mostly tapping away on my IPad, playing games.

I told her about seeing Patrick outside of the club and she thought it was strange. I asked her why and she told me he lives no where near there so she doesn't know why he'd be in there, since it's midday and he should be at training.

I thought about it more and it was kind of weird. He left so suddenly. He was wearing a plain black hoodie, black ripped jeans and black trainers. His hair hadn't been touched and it almost looked messy. He looked perfect as always. But he also looked tired and stressed. It made me worry. I couldn't think like that though. Especially because of how horrible he was to me.

I had to think it might have been to do with his fight on the pitch.

I pushed all thoughts away and tried to enjoy my afternoon of watching TV with my aunt and Rey, before retreating back to my room and getting some uni assignments done.

Patrick's POV

"Where's the fucking money?!"

I slammed my fists on the table.

"I ca-"

I punched him again. Blood spilled rapidly from his nose. He whimpered quietly.

I punched him again, this time in the eye.

"Give me the fucking money!" I said sternly.

He begged me to stop. I looked at him.

I didn't want to do this. Hurting him was pointless to me. But it has to be done. I don't control this. I can't help it.

I punched him again before pulling out my gun and holding it to his head.

"Give me the fucking money you owe, before I blow your fucking head off."

He cried out again.

"Here. Here. This is all I have."

He pointed to a small box on the kitchen counter and I walked over, opening it and counting £550. I took it and stuffed it in my pockets before walking away. He was still crying.

I spun around to face him and shot him in the foot.

He yelled out in pain.

"There's your change." I spat before walking out of his apartment and slamming the door. I delivered the money to Tony before driving to training.

I was half an hour late. I was screamed at by my main coach. But I didn't care.

We trained for hours before we all went home. I said my goodbyes to Lewis especially before getting in my car and driving off. I still needed to deliver the drugs Tony left with me.

I got to the apartment block. Before I could even make to the top of the stairs I was pulled backwards and thrown into the wall.

I could barely see who it was before they punched me in the face and started kicking me in the stomach. I tried to stand up but there was more than one person now and one of them was holding me down.

I left my gun in my car.

I tried to open my eyes. I couldn't see their faces.

I managed to block one of his punches and I swivelled round. I kicked one of them and pulled myself up as quick as I could. One of them had a bat and wacked me in the stomach. I grunted and hit the floor.

I heard their footsteps running away before I closed my eyes.


My eyes snapped open.

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