Chapter 13 "Crushed"

Start from the beginning

After she's done with her makeup, she gets to work on her hair. 

Walking out of the bathroom, she walks over to her closet and walks in over to a set of drawers

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Walking out of the bathroom, she walks over to her closet and walks in over to a set of drawers. Opening one, Shaylynn chooses a black lace thong. Letting her towel drop to the floor, she bends over and puts them on.
Opening another drawer, she picks out a black lace bra to match the thong.
After putting her bra on she spends ten minutes deciding what to wear.
Finally, she decides. All the way to changing bags. 

Making her way downstairs, Shaylynn gets into the closet to get her coat as Mary walks around the corner, "Holy shit! Look at you!" she says, "Girl, looking like that you better remember you're married!"Putting on her coat, Shaylynn smiles and sha...

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Making her way downstairs, Shaylynn gets into the closet to get her coat as Mary walks around the corner, "Holy shit! Look at you!" she says, "Girl, looking like that you better remember you're married!"
Putting on her coat, Shaylynn smiles and shakes her head, "It's hard to forget."
"Are you taking the Ferrari?" Mary asks her.
Shaylynn's smile gets bigger, "No, I'm taking my new toy," she tells Mary.
Mary smiles, "Have fun!" she tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn walks out the door.


An hour later, sitting in the back of Molly's, Shaylynn's responding to all the text messages she received from Butch and the other guys while she was in the hospital when a guy walks up to her table.
Shaylynn looks up and sees him. 

"Aren't you Shaylynn Voight-Halstead?" the guy asks her

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"Aren't you Shaylynn Voight-Halstead?" the guy asks her.
"Yes," she tells him.
He smiles at her, "I'm Alexander Knox, mind if I sit down?"
Shaylynn nods to the chair across from her.
"Thanks," he says as he sits, "I'm with the FBI, sharpshooter division," he tells her.
"What can I do for you, Alexander?" Shaylynn asks him putting down her phone.
"Call me Alex," he tells her.
"Okay, Alex what can I do for you?" she asks again.
"I want to offer you a job," Alex tells her.
Shaylynn laughs, "The FBI wants to hire me? For what?" she asks.
"As an Assassin," he says in a hushed tone.
Shaylynn laughs more, "You're kidding, right?"
Alex shakes his head 'no', "I know that you didn't know those guys with the Scottish Mafia were here in Chicago to assassinate the President and that you shot them because they killed your Aunt, Uncle, and cousin over in Scotland," he tells her.
Shaylynn gets a pissed off look on her face, "How the fuck do you know about my family?" she asks him getting more pissed off by the second.
"I have connections in Scotland Yards," he tells her, "I also know your Aunt is back from the dead or should I say protective custody and here in Chicago."
"You're walking on some very thin ice!" Shaylynn tells him.

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