Chapter 76: The Final Problem: Another Holmes?

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- (Brookes POV) -

It had been about a week since my visit to the hospital and the baby secret was still safe; I know my Father and Mycrofts tricks all too well so I know how to trick them, I've grew wiser in my age and learnt from my mistakes. I wasn't ready to tell anyone about my pregnancy for many reasons one is because I'd probably be put into hiding, my family are rather protective, they always have been and I don't think my Dad understands that Callum and I are actually in a serious relationship  he thinks I'll grow out of this phase and find someone else... I actually think my Dad is crazy.

Anyway one night I was sat on my balconey with my guitar just strumming the strings looking at the stars; Something I used to do back in Baker street, sitting in the window watching the world go by. This night was different though and tonight my world was flipped upside down...


My phone rang from inside my bedroom. I hopped off the balconey ledge then headed inside 'Dad' I read off the screen, I accepted the call then put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Dad," I answered. "What's up?"

"Brooke I need your help, this is big, perhaps one of the biggest cases we have ever been on!" Dad told me.

I frowned. "Wait what, whats going on?" I asked in excitement but I was kind of worried because this could be crazy.

"We need to hack Mycrofts security system and scare him," Dad told me.

I froze for a moment. "Why?" I asked in confusion.

"I may have a sister," Dad stated.

What the hell? My eyes widened and I couldn't help the gasp that escaed my lips... Another Holmes...

"How do know?" I blurted out.

"I WAS SHOT BY HER!" I heard John shout down the phone.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "WHAT?" I shouted.

For God sake I can't leave these pair alone for a few hours without them getting shot at!

"You were shot with a tranquilizer," Dad corrected him. "She was the therapist and she was the women John was texting!"

I pinched the ridge of my nose. "Bloody hell, so what will scaring Mycroft do?" I asked.

I quickly went over to my wardrobe and threw on some clothes.

"John told me Mycroft seems to be worried about her in a way, like he doesn't want what ever happened to her to happen to us," Dad explained.

"Why did you say us?" I asked. "I'm nothing like you, I mean you have a brilliant mind and sometimes you go off the rails but I'm not like you in that way."

Dad sighed. "I don't know we just need to scare Mycroft and find out more," He told me. "Are you in?"

I took a deep breath. "Hell yeah, I'm in!" I told him.

"That's my girl!" Dad said then hung up the phone.

Quick as a flash I threw on my shoes and coat then ran down the corridor to find Callum in the living room; He was half asleep on the sofa reading his emails. I went over to him and kissed the top of his head...

"I'm just going to see Mycroft, I'll be back later," I told him softly. "I love you."

Callum yawned. "Okay babe," He mumbled. "I love you too."

I smiled as I got up. "I love you three," I told him then I headed to my car and sped over to Mycrofts.

As I drove hundreds of different reasons why Mycroft kept this sister of his and Dad's a secret all were crazy and unrealistic but then again she was a Holmes and many things have happened to us Holmes' in the past so I guess we shouldn't be surprised about it but how did my Dad not konw about her, was she older than him, older than Mycroft... So many questions and so many theories that I hoped would get answered tonight...

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