Early Years

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     In the dead of night, the sound of crickets echoed as a silhouetted figure wandered the streets carrying two infants. Wanting to give them a better home they decided to leave them at the Jade Palace for a better life. They climbed the stairs thinking all the while if this was best, but the same answer kept returning. Once the figure reached the palace doors they placed the infants onto the ground giving them one final kiss on their foreheads. The infants cooed at the silhouette, it broke their heart even more to leave them but they knew that it was for the best. As the silhouette knocked on the door they took one last glance at the infants wishing them good fortune and happiness before disappearing into the darkness.

      The twins were found by Master Shifu as infant cubs, wrapped in swaddling cloth and left at the threshold of the palace gates. Shifu took in the twins he named the male twin Tai Lung meaning Great Dragon and named his sister Mei Feng meaning beautiful wind. He hoped for one of them or maybe both to be the dragon warrior but more so for Tai Lung seeing as though he was the eldest. As children Tai Lung and Mei Feng showed natural talent for the art of Kung Fu, and it became apparent that the two young cubs were nothing short of prodigies, Shifu lovingly trained them becoming more convinced that this was a sign that Tai Lung or both of the twins were the Dragon Warrior foretold in the legends. Shifu considered the twins both becoming the dragon warrior seeing as though they shared a bond deeper than ordinary siblings he saw how no matter the situation they always stay together as if they were two halves of the same person, though they have rivalries from time to time as normal siblings do it seemed to be more in a playful manner, Shifu smiled at this and continued to train his children.

      As the years went by and the twins grew older Tai Lung became a more intimidating fighter who is willing to fight to the extreme, and is both resourceful and unpredictable. His fighting style was brutal, relentless, and cunning. He possessed immense physical strength, and was able to punch and tear his way through numerous armored opponents, as well as rocks and many other barriers. His sister on the other hand was strong but not as immense as her brother but what she lacked for in strength she made up for mentally. She was the smarter one of the twins and more calculating, she always mapped out her strikes perfectly making her attacks impossible to predict considering everyone's weak points are different for each person.

      Unlike her brother she doesn't exploit her opponent's weaknesses, she believes in a fair fight but would immediately do so if she fears for the lives of her loved ones. Her movements flow like wind itself, and is able to slice through the thickest of armor. Mei Feng's fighting style is precise, elegant, acrobatic, and agile. When the twins fight together they become an unstoppable force to the point where it seemed dangerous to fight the twins in unison. Their speed increased tremendously when they fought as a team without breaking a sweat, it was impressive to see them compromise with each other so easily and quickly.

      By themselves they effortlessly mastered speed as well and are also able to move lightning-fast over great distances without tiring. They seemed to also take full advantage of their natural abilities. Tai Lung is able to hold blue fire within his palms while his sister can harness the power of wind and use it to her advantage to deliver more powerful blows to her opponents. They both are skilled in nerve attacks but his sister more so than him, she is able to paralyze her opponents to the point where only she herself is the only one who can undo the paralysis, or have the paralysis last a specific amount of time she sees fit and will last until the time slot has passed. The twins were the first students of the Jade palace to Master all one-thousand scrolls of Kung Fu.

      Over time officially mastering the Leopard style of Kung Fu, Mei Feng started to notice a change in her brother Tai Lung became arrogant and overconfident in his abilities but she figured it was more excitement she knew that he would be best suited to be the dragon warrior than she would be, she was happy to soon see Master Oogway give her big brother the title of the dragon warrior. When the time came for Oogway to choose who the dragon warrior was between the twins she secretly hoped it would be her but was rooting for her brother the most to be chosen. When Oogway refused to give either of them the title Shifu, Mei Feng, and Tai Lung were all surprised and disappointed. The twins looked to their Master and father figure Shifu for support only to be further dismayed when he did nothing to object to Oogway's decision. Mei Feng looked at her, brother confusion and rage clearly displayed on his face, she tried to console him but he violently shrugged her off and stormed out of the room.

      She turned to Master Shifu and Oogway feeling a bit angry herself but more confused. She asked Master Shifu "Why...why isn't the dragon warrior one of us but mostly why isn't it my brother?" Master Oogway explained his reasoning behind his refusal to both twins. He said to her that he saw in her brother overwhelming pride and lust for power that alerted him of the true darkness in her brother's heart. Hearing this she couldn't believe what he was saying about her brother she knew Oogway would never lie but this was her brother the one she looked up to her entire life closer than any other brother and sister could be they were twins. She thought to herself 'could she have the same darkness in her heart' this thought scared her as she held her head down in shock and disbelief Master Oogway walked over to her and tapped her head gently with his staff to get her attention, as she lifted her head slightly looking Oogway in the eyes he began to explain why he didn't choose her to be the dragon warrior he said that unlike her brother she was pure but was also at risk of siding with her brother and so she had to make a choice with siding with her brother or doing what needs to be done for the greater good.

      Having him say that felt like a knife stabbing her in the chest. Tears ran down her cheeks asking a question knowing that the answer will hurt. She asks Oogway "What's going to happen to my big brother" looking him in the eyes tears streaming down her face. Master Oogway gave her a sad apologetic look; she knew it was bad if he would not speak a word, she tried to hold back the tears but failed. She falls to her knees unable to stand, silently crying Master Oogway holds her head up gently by her chin to look her in the eyes, he wipes away her tears and he tells her that she is strong and that she will do greater things than becoming the dragon warrior but it all depends on her choice, her heart or her instincts. Mei Feng looked at him wide-eyed until screams were heard coming from the valley.

The Twin Dragon ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora