Chapter 10 ~ Broken Bonds

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~"Maybe one day you'll call me
And tell me that your sorry too"~
- Harry Styles - From the Dining Table -

The walk to the cave was silent. There was no point trying to start a conversation when we had us witnessed one of our allies, our friends die.

Once we arrived, we entered one by one. As I walked in, I locked eyes with Bellamy and his face filled with sorrow as Octavia walked in alone.

"Where's Lincoln?" Bell asked

"Pike put a bullet in his brain." Octavia deadpans.

"O, I'm so sor-" was all he managed to get out as a reply before Octavia threw a punch at Bellamy, hitting him square in the jaw.

"You..." punch "killed..." punch "him..." punch "it's..." punch "all..." punch "your..." punch "fault..." Octavia said whilst pummeling Bellamy.

"O please stop!" I pleaded. Yeah Bellamy had been an ass but he didn't deserve this.

"No, let her have this." Bellamy said.

Miller tried to intervene, but ended up being shoved out of the way by Octavia. Then she just stopped.

"You're dead to me." She whimpered, looking Bellamy dead in the eye before walking away. Me being me, tried to follow her.

"O, you wanna talk about what just happened?" I asked.

"Not now Cameron, I just lost my brother." She said, not looking up from her bag.

"Hey don't be like that! We'll get through this O, we always have." I said resting a hand on her shoulder.

"How can you be so sure?" She asked, finally looking up at me with her broken, tear filled eyes.

"Because I won't let you fall without me." I said offering a small smile, which she returned. Even though it was probably fake, it still warned my heart to see her flash a smile my way.

I walked away from her and joined the small circle of people that had gathered around a fire. Kane, Miller, Bryan, Harper and Sinclair were talking about setting up a patrol so we couldn't be found by Pike. Bellamy was sat out looking sad, while Octavia gave him death glares.

"We give them Pike, we lift the blockade. Then we can go after Clarke." Kane declared.

"Clarke made her choice. For now we have to kill Pike." Octavia replied.

"Bellamy, I'm in trouble. Please say you still have your radio." Monty voice said from the radio.

"What if it's a trap?" Miller asked calmly.

"Go to channel 7." Bellamy said, and everyone span to look at him. "What, it's 7 words after trouble. It's a code. Go to channel 7." Kane quickly flicked over to channel 7 before speaking to Monty again.

"Monty what's wrong?" Kane asked

"Pike knows I helped you get out. I can't get back to Arkadia without getting caught." Monty said.

"Go to the drop ship. We'll meet you there." I called out, knowing we couldn't give him the coordinates to the cave incase Pike was following him.

"I'm going to get Monty. Alone." Kane called out.

"Like hell you are!" Miller shouted, before Bryan pulled him back.

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