A Starry night (Child! Yusei x Homesick! Reader)

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You are Y/n L/n. You moved to New Domino City a few days ago for a better life. Since you're gonna live here as your new home, you decided to explore the city, get to know your new home for a little bit and you began to change your clothes.

 Since you're gonna live here as your new home, you decided to explore the city, get to know your new home for a little bit and you began to change your clothes

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After you were finish changing, you began to head out and explore New Domino City. As you started to look around the areas, the stores and the streets, some of the places reminded you of your hometown. In fact, you missed your home that you once grew up on, you missed all your friends, your family and you wished for them to be here with you. The more you thought about your hometown, the more your eyes started to watered.

To be honest, you felt really homesick as soon as you arrive here in New Domino City but you didn't want to admit it nor did you want to show it

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To be honest, you felt really homesick as soon as you arrive here in New Domino City but you didn't want to admit it nor did you want to show it. You were able to tell that your tears were ready to fall down from your eyes but you couldn't let it out, not in public so you decided to go somewhere private where no one can see you cry until you found this beautiful, peaceful park.

 You were able to tell that your tears were ready to fall down from your eyes but you couldn't let it out, not in public so you decided to go somewhere private where no one can see you cry until you found this beautiful, peaceful park

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Once you found this park and noticed that no one was there, you sit on the bench and began to cry silently as your tears began to fall slowly as you began to think of your hometown.

Once you found this park and noticed that no one was there, you sit on the bench and began to cry silently as your tears began to fall slowly as you began to think of your hometown

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