Jungkook's special chapter

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This is so you can see what happens to children with ASD (Atrial Septal Defect)

Sorry for the wait! This is definitely the last chapter for the Maknae Line Pregnancy series


Jungkook sat beside you on the hospital bed, whilst you held a sleeping Mi-Young on your chest, stroking her cheek affectionately, staring at her in awe.

"Our little princess..." He mumbles, resting his head on top of yours, and wrapping his free arm around you. He could not believe that a thirty minutes ago he had finally became a father. She already had him wrapped around her little finger. He'd do anything for her.

"What's going to happen to our little girl Kook?" You whisper, not taking your eyes of your little girl. He turned to look at you, placing two fingers under your chin, lifting your face up so you were looking at him.

"I don't know Angel, but the doctors will do everything they can to make sure she's safe and healthy. She has us. She has her very protective uncles. Her grandparents. Even ARMY already adore her, and they don't even know she's born yet. She's a fighter, she's going to be okay." He says confidently kissing your forehead. 

You both look down to your daughter as she snuggles closer to your chest, enjoying the warmth you gave off.

"She's so gorgeous." He whispers, letting her grab his finger with her petite little hand tightly. The door opens and in walks two doctors. Jungkook's face dropped knowing what was going to happen. You face went pale as you begin to feel sick. 

"Mr and Mrs Jeon, it's time for Mi-Young to go for some tests. We're sorry that we have to do this but it's for her health." One of the doctors says sympathetically.  You nod sadly and place kisses softly to the top of Mi-Young's head. 

"Eomma loves you Mi-Young, you're so strong princess." You whisper stroking cheek. You look up to Jungkook and say, 

"Go with them, I don't want her going without one of us, I don't feel strong enough yet to go." 

Jungkook nods simply and pecks your lips. He gently takes Mi-Young from your arms holding her close to him. "Get some rest whilst we're gone okay Angel?" He tells you as he rocks Mi-Young side to side. You nod giving him a small smile.

"I love you both." You say as Jungkook follows the doctors out of the room. 

"We love you too Angel."

As Jungkook walked out in to the corridor, the six boys that were waiting for hours stood up quickly, staring at the small baby in Jungkook's arms in awe. 

"She's so small..." Taehyung says trailing off. Jungkook chuckles and nods,

"I'd let you look at her but she's got to go for tests, Y/N is trying to get some sleep but I highly doubt she's going to listen to me so you can go sit with her whilst I go with Mi-Young." Jungkook explains. The boys nod still staring at the baby.

"Good luck Jk." Jin says smiling at him. Jungkook gives him a small smile before carrying on to follow the doctors. 

"Those were your uncles Mi-Young, they're just as crazy as me and are just as protective." Jungkook whispers to the small child cuddled up in his arms. The doctors led Jungkook into another room and ask him to lay Mi-Young down in the plastic crib. He reluctantly places her in the hospital crib and then immediately allows Mi-Young to grip his finger tightly.  

"Okay Mr Jeon, we're going to perform a chest ultrasound to see how big the hole in her heart is so we can see if we need to do surgery or it's small enough to heal by itself." The doctor says, making Jungkook nod slowly. 

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