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I smirked as I watched the tom cat bound away. It seemed like the second phase of our plan was going very well if the pride had received the tip and come to investigate. Of course this also meant I would have to deal with Hannah acting like she was going out of her mind. As mother would say, sacrifices were necessary if the plan was to succeed.

Hannah didn't stay there much longer, and I took that as my cue to leave as well. I walked quickly back to the only open store in town, the convenience store at the gas station. Hannah would take the longest route back to the apartment to be sure no one else was following her. Her training demanded it. That left me with plenty of time to grab some snacks and bump into her outside the shabby apartment building as if I hadn't been tailing her this whole time. I wondered briefly if we should strengthen our training regimens because she should have known there was more than one person stalking her in the night.

I answered my ringing phone, knowing that it was her yet again, "So?"

"They took the bait. It's only a matter of time until they take her. Until then, she'll be useful with the raid." I said as I casually picked up a couple of bottles of soda and some chips.

"Very good. Report to me after the raid. And, dear, make it believable, they have to think they've won after all."

"Yes, mother."



"Don't tell me you're giving in that easily." I jumped slightly at Mia's words. The she wolf was leaning on the wall next to me where I had an excellent vantage point of her brothers, specifically Adrien, sparring. Shirtless.

"What? Of course not." I scoffed at the thought. Just because I wasn't ready to forgive the guy didn't mean I couldn't appreciate the view. "I just like to take in the sights." Mia visibly gagged at the thought. I couldn't blame her, Adrien was her brother after all.

"At least make him suffer a bit longer." Mia said, letting herself slide down the side of the building to sit in the grass. "Seriously though, are you thinking about accepting the bond?" She asked. I stayed quiet for a moment, sitting in the grass beside her while I pondered the thought of actually accepting Adrien.

"I mean, should I really hold a five year old grudge when he's clearly changed?" I asked, watching Mia's face. From what I remember she had always been so easy to read, but over the last five years she seemed to have developed a talent for a poker face.

"That's really up to you, but he has changed. Thank god by the way since he was insufferable before." We both let out laughs at her remark. It was quite true, he had been a stereotypical alpha's son as a kid. However, now he was a young man being primed as a candidate to take over his dad's position. The hardwork and dedication looked good on him.

"It's probably just the bond, but I miss him all the time. Even when he's ten feet away. It's so weird." I muttered, resting my forehead on bent knees.

"I don't know, Klara. Before you could feel the bond again you seemed into him. Granted you were trying to see if we were wolves to probably kill us, but you still seemed into him." Mia said, patting my shoulder affectionately.

"Thanks for reminding me I was brainwashed by hunters, Amelia." I said through an annoyed groan, shifting my shoulder so her hand would fall away from me.

"What? It's not like it was your fault." She said with a shrug.

"Nevermind." I said, standing and brushing off the few stray blades of grass that stuck to my jeans before walking towards the training field, giving away our position. His eyes were on me in a moment, giving his brother the upper hand. The slightly shorter he wolf swiped Adrien's feet out from under him, pinning my mate with a grin on his lips.  

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