Chapter 16 - Permission

Start from the beginning

Caleb refused a trip to the beach, so Joe ordered a pizza from Mario's, the local place around the corner. Caleb finally came out to eat but didn't say anything. Joe was glad, because he wasn't in the mood to hear about how he had ruined Caleb's life. Joe had ruined a whole bunch of lives including his own.

 Joe had ruined a whole bunch of lives including his own

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Suddenly Ella's only emotion towards Joe was anger. Once she stopped crying, after seeing him she hadn't cried again. She spent a lot of time thinking about the things he told her about his marriage but wasn't ready to stop being angry to feel any empathy for him. The odd thing was when she wasn't angry she felt happy. She hadn't felt happiness in a very long time. She supposed it had something to do with the flip her belly did anytime she thought of him.

When she met Tony for dinner, she couldn't tell him or anyone else Joe was back, but he noticed a difference in her.

"I think it's the new school. I actually feel better."

"How much better?"

"Why?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"I have a friend who's dying to meet you." Tony informed her.

"Me? Really?" Did she want to meet someone?

"He's a great guy... smart and funny, too."

"I'd rather meet your girl." She didn't know why Tony was keeping her all to himself. Although she suspected, mystery girl wouldn't understand their friendship.

Tony pointed at her. "Don't change the subject."

"Bring him to the show on Friday but don't get the guy's hopes up. I'll be friendly, but I can't promise anything else."

"Will you go out for a bite with us after the show?"

"Yeah, okay, but us meaning the four of us?" she tried one more time.

"Nope, not this time." The more he refused to introduce his girl the more curious she became.

"So you start school next week, are you excited or nervous?"

"Both, to be honest." She was oddly looking forward to seeing Joe. She could be angry with or without seeing his beautiful face and she decided seeing it wasn't so bad.

She didn't expect to see his face in the audience on Friday night, but she did. He sat only a few tables away from Tony and his friend. Joe was with a young girl who Ella instantly recognized as his sister, Leah. She was pretty, and it was obvious she loved Joe.

Ella ignored them and went to Tony's table. Tony jumped up and hugged her just like he always did and then he introduced Dylan. He was a nice looking guy and when he stood he was taller than Tony, but not nearly as tall as Joe. His hair was short and brown and not exactly the type that begged a girl to run her hand through it. Not like the thick dark head of hair a few tables over. She had no doubt the owner of that hair was watching her, so she smiled at Dylan her warmest smile and touched his arm.

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