Little angry

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I'm livid
I'm raging
I'm just here so welcome to my rant

1. Okay so why is it okay for me to want a girlfriend but no okay for me to want a mommy

2. Why is it normal for the KKK to be an active organization but its not normal for me to regress into littlespace

3. Why is okay for people to send me nudes but it's not okay for me to suck on a paci

4. How come when people dm me racist and homophobic slurs I can't call on anyone to comfort me

5. Why is it that a man who killed and ate a woman is free to live his life but I can't openly be a little because it's considered gross

6. How come I can find people to have sex with but I can't find someone to be my caregiver

7. How come everyone wants a stereotypical little but no one with mixed heritage

8. How come I can't identify as a 3 year old but someone can identify as autism gender

9. How come I have to respect people with multiple gender identities but I can't have respect for my little side given to me

I know what's wrong
It's all I statements
I'm wrong for being self centered
I need to shut up and be thankful that I found littlespace
I should be thankful for all my stuffies
I should be thankful for my few little friends
And I'm thankful for my readers and that I have never gotten a hateful or negative comment on this book

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