I : Francesco de Pazzi

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Magdalena felt weak

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Magdalena felt weak. Carefully, she flutters her eyes only to be exposed to the harsh light. That light, which came from the only source of the window that viewed the busy morning streets. Magdalena groaned when she tried to stretch out her sore limbs. She carefully sits up on the cold, hard cement floor. Pushing her tangled messy hair, Magdalena takes in the scenery.

"Where am I?" Magdalena croaks out.

She reaches for a hair tie in her messenger bag. As she gathers her hair, Magdalena's eyes widen at the sight of blood on her palm. She reaches farther into her bag to her small makeup bag and takes out the compact mirror. There, above her right eye was a large gash of blood. Magdalena begins to panic.

"Okay. Remember last night, Lena. What happened yesterday?" Magdalena whispers to herself.

As she did, upstairs in the Pazzi palazzo courtyard the young Pazzi men just came back from their morning ride. They were about to head to the dining room for breakfast, when a loud commotion from kitchen distracted the oldest one. He dismisses himself from Guglielmo de Pazzi, his brother. The young man strides into the kitchen to find his uncle Jacopo, throw a tray that the kitchen maid had in her hands.

"I will not let you take her food! She's an enemy to our family!" Jacopo de Pazzi shouts to the kitchen maid.

The young man makes his entrance. "Uncle, what's going on?"

At the voice of his nephew, Jacopo turns away from the kitchen staff and gives a tight smile to his nephew. Without another word, Jacopo de Pazzi wraps his arm around his nephew's shoulder.

"How was the morning ride, nephew?" He asks ignoring the first question.

His nephew looks back into the kitchen to see the kitchen maid pick up the wasted scraps of food.

"Uncle, what's happened?" He asks again.

Jacopo sighs. "Last night, we found a young woman walking at the chapel. She insulted me, so I had to do what's right."

The young man pulls away from his father's embrace. "What? A woman?"

"Francesco this doesn't concern you. Come let's eat."

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