FIVE: Five Star Hotel

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I need a new show to binge on Netflix. Any suggestions???

Also, this song pretty much sums up Evelyn and Lucas

"You really need to do something about him." Were the first words Eric said to me the following Thursday.

I gave him a puzzling look as he placed my usual down on the counter, his eyes carefully avoiding mine.

"Excuse me?" I asked, shifting in my seat.

"That guy you were talking to last week. He keeps looking for you and it's starting to get annoying?

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "Jealous?" I teased.

"Please," He scoffed. "You're hot, but not that hot."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm not looking for an enemy. The last thing I want to do is get on your husband's bad side."

"But if Enzo wasn't in the picture..." I trailed off, curious of his answer.

"We're not going there, Evelyn." He roughly scrubbed the counter. "All I'm saying is, if Enzo finds out about what's going on, we are all going to regret it. Don't force some other poor innocent bystander to be a part of your life."

"What I do is really none of your business, Eric."

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when sh*t hits the roof."

Those were the last words we said to each other that night. He didn't approve of what I was doing, and I didn't like his insinuation, that I went around forcing people, against their will to be a part of my life.

Eric was the single friend I had who wasn't directly related to Enzo. But because of that, they hated each other. Eric found my life to be absolutely repulsive. The look of disgust that settled on his scruffy face on the rare occasions where I would defend my husband was enough to make a person think he had just stepped in a big pile of dog sh*t... barefoot. As for Enzo, he just hated the idea of me talking to another man even if there were no real romantic possibilities.

My friendship with Eric, the bartender, was inevitable once I became a regular at the bar in the Five Star Hotel. But one night, after a few too many drinks, I accidentally let a few too many details about my personal life slip. Enzo found out and it took hours upon hours of fighting before he finally forgave me. It took even longer for me to convince him to simply pay Eric off as opposed to his original plan...

But the majority of that Thursday night was uneventful. I spent it wallowing in my anger. I would have left sooner if it wasn't for my new friend who showed up about an hour later.

I didn't see him walk in, but I heard him sit down on the seat beside me.

"Long time no see, did you miss me?" I asked, swirling around the olives in my martini.

He let out a low laugh. "You look really pretty tonight." Lucas's eyes wandered down to the deep plunge in the front of my blue dress.

I tucked a piece of my curled hair behind my ear and thanked him. "You look nice too."

"I'd offer to buy you a drink, but it looks like you've already had few." I loved his newfound confidence.

"Indeed I have." I took one final sip, emptying the glass.

"Do you come here often?"

"Only every Thursday."

"Is that when he allows you to come." Lucas's eyes shifted toward my diamond ring.

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