Who am I

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     "Sir, please speak into the mic and stop messing with it." "Oh, my bad. I guess I'm just a little nervous." "We understand that. So how is it that you'll be a prime candidate for this mission?" "Well, I've been training since I was 15 to be in physical shape, since 10 to be in mental shape, and 7 to be emotionally ready." The interviewer flips through the file laid before him. He checks off boxes in quick succession, making the other man nervous. "Well, I know that the ride up can be straining on our bodies, so I pushed myself to be able to deal with that. I ran 10 miles a day and worked out extensively 3 hours a day. When I was 13 I already mastered physics and mathematics, pushing to learn more like engineering and aerodynamics." The man stops talking. "Hmm, is there something up?" "No sir." "I could've sworn you said you were emotionally prepared. What does that mean?" The man gulped. "It means I don't have any ties left here sir. My parents already passed away and there's no family or reason to stay." The interviewer took off his glasses and laid them down. "I'm sorry to hear that, son. But as it is, it's probably for the best. As the last board member to sign off, I'm glad to announce you are fit to join our program. Welcome aboard, Charles." He extended out his hand and Charles excitedly shook it. "You won't regret it!" "I'm sure we won't."
     Charles exits the facility where he had been interviewed in. He looks up and sees the bright neon sign that read "Grant Technology". The bit under it said "Don't take the future for granted". He chuckles softly with a sigh. "Man, they really had to be grim about it, huh?" Well, at the rate things were going, it would probably work out in the end for the best. Charles turns away and walks towards his car, reaching for his left leg. He feels a vibrating numbness.
      Charles pulled out his phone and saw a number was dialing him.  "Hello, Charles here." He said chipperly into his phone. "Hey, man. It's Diego." Charles scratched his head and then remembered his buddy from higschool. "Oh, hey Diego. What's going on? It's been so long." "Yea man, it really has been. Do you think you can come to this party? I really could use my C man." Charles smirked and shook his head. "You never grew up, huh?" "Ah, you never enjoyed life, my man. So, you coming or what?" Charles looked down at his watch and said yes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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