-That Snowy Night-

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~Chapter 1~

-Eren's POV-

This is not good!

I was walking to deliver a message to a house in the woods, but it was fucking snowing. . . Perfect.

Who would live in the middle of the woods anyways like What The Fuck!

But I mean I did have to admit, the snow was so beautiful as it glistened from the moon light. I wish so much this world was sweeter, like what my friend Mikasa says "This world is a beautiful cruel place" I only wish that the monsters would leave me alone.


Mommy there's a monster!


No there's not sweetie, il protect you.


She died saving me, I wish I had died instead of her since then.


I saw the light of the house Finally after what seamed like 5 miles of useless walking, when I got to the door I knocked lightly, but when I did so the door opened slightly.

I quivered thinking the worst, and what I found was actually. . . Not that bad compared to what Iv seen.

It's You, isn't it.

I saw an old lady on the ground wide open every part of the human chest visible, just . . . In terms of not throwing up, blood every where.

When I opened the door I saw him the one and only . . . Horrifying Wolf.

Why don't you just come on in? I flinched at his words they were deep and husky.

Why don't you show your self and get the fuck out? I replied with all of my dignity.

Ok alright. I heard now a humanly voice. What my eyes had seen was a boy about my age, but he was taller than me And he had a lot of freckles. To top it all of Dark brown hair. His eyes fluttered open and shut as if he was innocent, but the blood on his mouth and eyes explained other wise. As he came out of the house at least 3 feet away from me he spit out words like venom.

You know you I might just Torture a little bit before I kill you. You should feel happy, you will finally die you sorrowful boy. . . What a shame. Il make sure to rap you up nice and tight in your red cape!

With his sentence done he lunged towards me while transforming into his true beastly form, a Werewolf.

He was fast, but not fast enough.

I stomped my foot and out popped a knife and I kicked him in the chest, piercing his skin. He fell to the ground and turned back into his human form.

Awwww you poor thing, what's wrong. . . Cat got your tongue?

With blood streaming down his freckled face he spat out these words, G-go To . . . H-Hell!

. . . HA! Sorry we are already living in it! Il make sure to rap you up real good in your own blood.

As I raised both my stakes in the air, a gust of wind blew the hood of my head, reviling my face.

I-It's You. . . Eren Jeager!

You know it is, and I will be happy to remove one more beast from this earth!

With all my force I swung my hands down ward killing the beast instantly.

Tch. . . To easy, we'll I he made my job easier. I had to tell the lady her son died in the war. We'll now there both up in the sky with each other.

I wiped the splatters blood of my face and got of the werewolf.

I waved to the sky. . . I avenged your death ma'am. Good luck up there.

-I just got one small step closer to finding my moms killer. . . -

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