Horrid, Evil Men

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Surely they are devils, those horrid, evil men!

The killers, the rapists, the heartless, evil men

With no regard, they slaughter and they prey

They take our lives, even while we pray!

May those who died, on this blessed Friday

Be granted Jannah and peace on the awaited Day

And let Jahannam await those in depraved sin,

May Allah punish severely those horrid, evil men!



For those unaware, there was a mass shooting in New Zealand at two Masajid today. Muslims who had gone for Jum'ah were slaughtered by a sicko. I will not share his name. I will not share the horrid videos he livestreamed of the incident while he mercilessly took innocent life after innocent life. I will only share some request for your du'ah, brothers and sisters. Pray for the victims and their families. May Allah grant them all Jannah and accept their last deeds of worship and forgive all their past sins and grant patience and ease to their loved ones and the living victims. Ameen.

I'm not sure what I'm doing here. I'm honestly really torn up over this. Two posts in a row about death, and this one definitely hurts more. I'm at a loss for words. The depraved, twisted, evil, black-hearted, monstrous evil of this devil. This evil- i almost said sick, but no, sick would imply mental illness when it is the heart that is diseased by the whispers of Shaytaan here- scum took lives again and again, he announced that he would in online social media platforms, released a tongue-in-cheek manifesto proclaiming his racist, white-supremacist views and hatred for Muslims, and went to carry this evil out LIVE STREAMING IT like entertainment while he went room to room, hall to hall, even double-checking amongst the piles of huddled bodies to ensure everyone was dead.

What can I even say?

This was such an evil, evil, evil act. If  MSM  tries to spin this as some mental illness issue, we do not accept that. This was an act of evil. An act of depravity. This was nothing short of an act of terrorism, and it should be called as such. May all the evil ones committing these and other crimes against humanity, on whatever scale, be punished severely in this life AND the next. And may the suffering of the victims be the expiation of their sins and be their entrance into Jannah by Allah's Mercy. Ameen.

I leave you with one final reminder:

"See you not that We have sent the Shayatin (devils) against the disbelievers to push them to do evil. So be not impatient over them. We only count out to them a [limited] number. On the Day We will gather the righteous to the Most Merciful as a delegation (presented before a king for honor). And will drive the criminals to Hell in thirst." (19:83-86)

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