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Still latched onto Rumple's arm, you turned and began to depart her presence. You felt her devilish eyes follow you. With the sensation came an anger that began to build inside of you. What was the point of such an encounter? Was that the only reason you'd come? So he could... What? Make her mad? Show her that he had you?

"What was that for?" you hissed at him as soon as you were out of her earshot.

"What ever do you mean, dearie?" he asked, smirking.

"Rumple," you snapped, "You don't go and aggravate someone like that."

"You forget, dear (Y/N)... I am the Dark One."

You shot him a look. "Being the Dark One doesn't exclude being a decent person."

"Oh, but indeed it does. Part of the job description."

"Then change your job."

"I can't just stop being the Dark One, dearie."

"And why can't you?" you asked indignantly.

He whirled on you, blocking your path. You crossed your arms.

He said, "It means dying."

Immediately your mood shifted. His death was absolutely not something that you wanted.


You couldn't read his expression, and you had no clue what was coming until he gently took both your hands in his. He had so much to say, and yet he couldn't get out a word of it. Finally, he settled on, "Are you ready to go back to the castle?"

You looked around. The food and dancing was still appealing, but suddenly you only wanted to be with him. You nodded and leaned into him. "Let's go home."

The Crocodile's Apprentice (Rumplestiltskin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now