Chapter 21: The battle

Start from the beginning

Before you charge to Kokabiel, you then made a yellow magic circle from your hand and Rias appeared on it.

Rias - Y/n, you called me. What do you want? She said somehow with respect on her voice.

Y/n - You should come here because I'm going to need your power to defeat Kokabiel.

Rias - Right away.

You then cut your connection with her as you faced the three-headed dogs and the rest of the dark minions.

Rias then made a red teleportation circle below her and she disappeared on the room. She then arrived besides Y/n and saw the others were fighting the dark minions including the three-headed demon dogs.

Akeno - Rias, your here! We're going to need your help to defeat the enemies.

Rias - Right.

Rias made her way to them as she began to fight the enemies.

With Kiba

Kiba is currently fighting the skeletons while Valper is continuously summoning them. Due to endless waves of skeletons, Kiba is panting really hard and somehow he reached his limit.

Valper - Oh, tired already?

Kiba - Shut the hell up, Valper. Your such a coward man who only relies on magic.

Then the Excalibur glowed brightly in which Valper gasped in shock but he quickly snap out of it and began to laugh.

Valper - Hahahahaha. At last, the ritual is complete! *as he grabs the sword* with this sword, no devil can stop me.

Kiba - Damn it! I wasn't strong enough. He said angrily.

Without concentrating on the fight, a skeleton slashed him and he blocked it. Soon a horde of skeletons rushed at him and he was being beaten by them.

You then looked at Kiba was being beaten.

You - Kiba! Hang in there, I'm coming!

Before you rushed to him. Kokabiel fired a light spear in front of you, blocking your way.

Kokabiel - Where do you think your going?

You ignored what Kokabiel said and grabbed the light spear in which he gasped in shock.

Kokabiel - I-I-Impossible! How can a human touch a light spear?!

You then throw the light spear to the skeletons that causes a massive explosion, destroying them in the process.

When the smoke is gone, you then saw Kiba laying on the ground with his body full of injuries and his shirt were torn apart.

You then approached him and said,

Y/n - Are you okay?

Kiba - Yeah. *cough* I'm fine.

Y/n - I'm gonna fix you in no time.

You then formed a green sphere of life energy from your hands and you touch Kiba's body as he glowed in green color and he was being healed. After a few seconds, Kiba is now fully healed as his injuries were completely gone. He then stood up, grabbed his sword and said,

Kiba - Alright, now I'm back. Thank you very much, Y/n.

Y/n - Your welcome. Now let's defeat that bitch together.

Kiba - Right.

You then formed a yellow ki blade from your right hand. The both of your then rushed to Valper at full speed.

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