➽39. I Forgive You

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Quinn didn't really know how to start her chat with Hanna

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Quinn didn't really know how to start her chat with Hanna.

You turned your back on us and I'm angry?

You left us without a second thought?

Why would you leave me?

The questions she had for the fellow redhead in front of her were swirling through her head. Everytime she thought of one, another popped in her mind. She didn't know where to start.

Hanna had left them during the battle against the VKs. She had for some reason switched sides and decided to help them. For what reason Quinn didn't know.

Hanna fiddled with the hem of her dress, not knowing how to start the conversation either.

Quinn wanted someone to take them out of their misery and start the conversation for them but no one came. It was as if they could feel the tension in the air between the two and didn't want to be apart of their nonsense.

This was nonsense anyway.

It had been much easier to ask Maddie why she had turned on her but with Hanna it was different. She'd known her all her life and had though she could trust her. She had thought she would be one of the few people that stayed fixed in her life.

But Hanna had ruined it all by deciding to come to Auradon, help the Vks and leave her friends behind without so much as an explanation.

Now she didn't know if she could trust her. She didn't know who she could trust. Hanna had done the same thing her father had done to Anna. She had shown her one person and had showed her true colors after,

It was all probably fucking Jay;s fault.

Him and Hanna had dated if you could call it that back before he left the Isle.

They had always had feelings for each other and had never made their relationship seem serious to the people of the Isle. Quinn saw right through it.

He;'d steal things for her and "fight" for her. He'd  do anything to make her happy. Then he'd left and left Hanna confused and angry. Angry that he'd leave her, confused on why. The Vks then proceeded to not steal the wand and choose good over evil.

Maybe that had cemented into Hanna's brain. Become a good girl and maybe he'd come back. Then he had and she had decided to leave with him.

Quinn shuffled in her boots, looking at Hanna with a frown before deciding it was time for her to speak. The more she stayed in her thoughts, the more questions that went unanswered and the longer it took for them to mend their friendship. Quinn didn't know if she wanted to do that anymore,

"I guess since I'm staying here." Quinn said. "We should um try to come to speaking terms."

"Okay." Hanna agreed, nodding her head,

"I don't know why you did it." Quinn said. "Why you'd fucking leave us in the dust after all we had done for you. Turning your back on us."

"Are you sure they aren't going to think you did that?" Hanna asked, tilting her head to the side, "You didn't go back with Uma. Chelsea's going to flip out."

"She'll understand,"  Quinn assured, though she didn't know if she was assuring herself more or Hanna. "She will. Besides Uma left me. There's no way I was getting across the water again."

"They probably will still see it that way." Hanna said with a shrug. Quinn narrowed her eyes.

"I'm trying to make peace with you." Quinn said. "Because it's the good thing to do."

"Are you making fun of me?" Hanna asked,

Quinn scoffed, waving her hand dismissively.

"Nonsense." Quinn said. "Why would I be making fun of you?"

"Because you think I turned on you." Hanna said. "But that isn't what happened,"

"Oh really?" Quinn asked, glaring at Hanna. "Then what exactly happened dear Hanna. Dare I say, traitor."

Gigi decided to take that moment to join them. She seemed to have regretted it almost immediately when both Hanna and Quinn glared daggers at her.

"Woah." Gigi said. "What is your problem?"

"My problem?" Quinn asked. "Hanna at the moment."

"Why?" Gigi asked, leaning against the railing of the boat.

"You know why Sunshine." Quinn huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

Gigi's eyes lit up in realization before she placed a hand on each of their shoulders,

"Listen guys." Gigi said. "I know that your mad at each other and that you want to kill each other-."

"I don't want to kill her." Quinn said. "That's over exaggerating."

"I know that your mad at each other." Gigi said, "But you have to hear each other out before you go jumping to conclusions."

"Are you saying that I'm jumping to conclusions? Is that what you're implying?" Quinn asked.

"No!" Gigi said. "That's not what I'm saying. I mean why Hanna left isn't what you think it is."

"Oh sure," Quinn said. "Backing her up because you helped take her away from me."

"That's not what I meant Quinn." Gigi said. "Just hear her out."

"Fine." Quinn said. "Tell me why you really left."
"Gigi was the one who asked for me to come." Hanna said. "And I said yes. But she wanted to bring you and Chelsea too but "

"You don't need to lie to me." Quinn said, "Chelsea told me why you really left."

"What the fuck did Chelsea tell you?" Hanna asked.

"That you left because your little ex-boyfriend showed up." Quinn said as Hanna's smile fell. "Because all he had to do was ask you to come. Then you dropped everything and ran after him."

"I'm sorry Quinn." Hanna said, "I didn't mean for it to be that way."

"You know what?" Quinn said with a laugh. "After all the stupid fucking shit you pulled. I forgive you."

"You forgive me?" Hanna asked.

"Yes." Quinn said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go stare across the sea for no particular reason. Don't worry about me."

Even if she said that, looks of worry passed over both of their faces as Quinn headed toward the edge of the docks.

[✔︎] 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 ✫  DESCENDANTS TWO ⁴Where stories live. Discover now