Chapter 14 - Recalling

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Elle Damone’s POV

Turns out, I had fallen asleep on the couch. I looked around, seems like my mom was sleeping too. But the thing is I seem to remember who Cyrus was. I had bits and pieces starting to form. Was I dreaming about my past life? It certainly felt like it. In my dream I also saw a girl…she was blonde and was in a laced dress wearing high heels. And the scariest thing was, I saw myself. I was in the girl’s house (I think) and I was unconscious…like on a table. Was this my past? I was really confused.

I heard my mom walking down the hall. Walking to me, I stood up.

“Mom? Uh, you know, I had the weirdest dream. It was like it was my past or something. I saw this girl, umm…probably around my age. She was blonde and was wearing a dress with extremely high high heels. And then I saw myself. In her house? I was like unconscious on the floor. I’m confused.”

My mom stood up and tears streamed down. Her hands covered her mouth and nose. She sat down and smiled.

“Do you remember who you are?”

“Yeah, kind of. I’m starting to recover from it. I’ve seen it in my dreams. I saw some memories of myself when I was little. I saw my dad. I saw Tori and I with that blonde girl. I saw Cyrus and I together. And I saw you! But…how did I get memory loss in the first place?” I started grinning.

“I—I’m—I’m not supposed to say,” my mom said weakly.

“Hey, mom. Look at me. I’ve already started remembering about my past, so why can’t you tell me? That’s the only thing I need to know now! Maybe I could get my old life back!” I exclaimed.

I was desperate. I needed to know. For some reason, I remembered bits and bits. But that was enough to continue living my old life. Am I right?

My mom sighed, “That blonde haired girl was one of your best friends. And apparently, you guys fell for the same boy, Cyrus. H—he chose you over all of them. And you never told them about it. In the meantime, they had played pranks on each other until they found out that you liked Cyrus and never told them. Then a lot of stuff happened, you became her boyfriend and he thought you cheated on him. Taylor was furious so she pushed you over the balcony.”

I was speechless. Like paralyzed. That was my past? I thought it’d be happy like jolly rainbows and popping unicorns in rainbowland. Was this all about revenge?

“Uh…really? I’m starting to recall a few memories. Do you think I might recover?”

“Yes, I have hope at least,” my mom warmed my hands up.

“Have they found Taylor yet? Is she going to jail?” I said in a rush.

“Whoa, back up there. They haven’t found Taylor and yes, she might go to Juvie. But that’s not for you to worry about ok, sweetie? It’s to rest and forget about whatever happened. It’s like we’re starting fresh,” my mom comforted.

“Is Cyrus and Tori coming over? I want to talk to them.”

“They will be, soon. But right now, we need to find Taylor. I have to go run some errands and pick up your dad from the airport. Stay right here ok? If you need anything call me. My number’s on your cell.”

“Ok, bye,” I said.

As my mom exited the door, I folded up my nap blanket. Great, now I was alone with nobody to hang out with. I’m bored now…

Wait…maybe I should call Cyrus or Tori. Maybe they can come hang out. I took out my sucky phone and looked into my contacts. I searched up Tori Blake. There she was. But, I was hesitating. I wasn’t sure if I should call. Would I annoy her? Like bother her in some stupid way? Gee, where was she anyways? At school? I heard something that Irowan and they said about Taylor being at school…but…I wasn’t sure. I called Tori. Beeep Beeep Beeeep.

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