5: Un-expected 'company'

Start from the beginning

Rowan sighed, knowing she would have to survive this day of isolation. Hopping over to the fire place, she grasped a fire poker and use it as a walking stick, better than nothing, she thought.

She opened the front door and was greeted by this crisp morning air. Apollo whines beside her, running out and prancing in the long grass surrounding the cabin, he was obviously begging to be let out.

She hobbled beside the jumping Apollo, she reached the back area of the cabin and observed the neatly stacked wall of logs. Winter was almost here and the stack looked like it would last her about a months worth. Snooping around a little more she found a greenhouse that was literally a growing jungle, large tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, you name it, it was here.

She noticed a little shed she had still left untouched. Curiously opening the door slightly, her breath was taken away. Guns. Lots and lots of guns.

The shelves were loaded with them and stacks of boxes filled with ammo were stacked on the floor. She could hunt. Guns scared her but not enough to send her back into the cabin with her tail tucked between her legs.

She grabbed a handgun (she didn't know what type because she had never dealt with guns before). The gun felt oddly familiar in her hand. As if her mind knew what to do, her hands worked with out her thinking.

She had reloaded the empty gun, switching off the safety and stepping out side to find a target. The fluid movements of angling the handgun her hands and the natural sense of what she was doing scared her. Rowan dropped the fire poker, using both hands to hold the gun steady.

But still she let her hands play out. A fat pigeon unfortunately flew overhead of her and landed on the rooftop of the cabin. She aimed and without waiting a second she pulled the trigger. Bullseye.

Apollo barked behind her, he was used to the gun shot so something else must have disturbed him. Rowan stood still, moving her gun towards the forest, waiting for any movement.

Some bushes rustled to her left and her reflexes kicked in. BANG. Rowan fires into the bush.

Rowan frowns at the silence, there was no scream. Her brain ran through all the situations she could be in until the last one crossed her mind. Holy shi-. Large, cold hands covered her mouth, she felt her self being pressed close to a chest.

Like the gun, her hands moved in coordinated movements. Jabbing her elbow into her attackers ribs making it double over, she stomped her heel on a nerve that connected the ankle and lower leg. Her attacker let out a gaps of pain. Feeling satisfied she caught him in a headlock while he was still doubled over.

Manoeuvring her legs she tripped it so it landed on its back, creating a burst of dirt as it landed. Rowan rushed over to her attacker and placed her foot on its neck, looking into determined brown eyes.

Her attacker was male, tall with short jet black hair and brown eyes. "What do you want!" Rowan demands, wincing slightly when she feels her adrenalin dropping and the pain in her leg was kicking in.

The male groans and holds his injured foot. The ankle move was more effective that I thought, I'm a freaking monster, Rowan thinks, her heart breaking slightly. Rowan turns away form her attacker, not waiting for an answer she calls Apollo to walk with her but he stays with the male, curiously sniffing him.

Apollo barks at Rowan, as if like he was calling her back. She watches in amazement as the dog nudges the males hand, using his snout to arouse the male.

The male pats Apollo lazily, then slowly getting to his knees. The male looks at me in surprise, his brown eyes seemingly burning into my face. "Who are you?" He asks, his voice is deep, sexy.

"R-Rowan Clark," she replys but it comes out as a whisper. "What was that? Speak up Sparky," he chuckles, extending his hand out to her, "My name is Conner Hayes, now an ex-navy soldier because of the events that had so brutally wiped out 90 percent of the earth's population."

Rowan felt her eyes pricking with tears, "90 percent?" She whispered, Conner came closer, barely hearing her. "I know it's a lot to take in but you need to leave this area, mutations are evident in this part of the forest." His eyes flick towards the cabin and then back to her, looking very serious.

"I can't just pack up and leave, I need to find my sister and my best friend." Rowan glares at Conner, who is this arrogant, spiteful dog, telling me what to do? Rowan hated control, hated if someone was in control, hated if she was in control.

"I know this all a shock to you Ms. but this is all for the good of mankind," he rolls his eyes, his bored tone told Rowan he had been doing THIS for the past few days. "Well I'm sorry but I am not leaving, end of story now go shove a stick up your ass and leave me alone," Rowan snaps back, turning to walk back to the cabin.

Conner stands, frozen at her cold reply. Rowan slams the door shut, locking it and pushing a chair underneath the handle. Conner won't be getting in anytime soon. "Listen Sparky! You are coming with me wether you like it or not!" Rowan hears loud footsteps pacing behind the door.


Before Rowan went to sleep, she put her ear to the door and listened for any unusual sounds. She could hear the faint sound of snoring on the other side. Grimacing she kicks the chair angrily and storms towards 'her' bedroom.

Noticing that Apollo isn't following her she calls to him, "come here boy!" She pats her leg and whistles quietly but Apollo doesn't budge from his spot. He sits exactly right in front of the door.


Rowan sighs and takes herself off to bed. She doesn't fall asleep until after she grieves for her family.

EXTERMINATION DAY 1Where stories live. Discover now